Matmos is playing the MFA on 10/12/06
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<a href="
">Matmos</a> is playing hits from their new album created from <a href="
">Turing Machine</a> tones? What about Turing fascinates you?
Daniel: Turing's achievements in math and in computing and in logic seemed particularly juicy as a subject, and for electronic music especially. Instead of asking the question, "Can machines think?" he asked a different question, which was, "Can a machine fool someone [into thinking it's intelligent]?"
<ol type=i>
<li> Alan Turing invented the Turing Machine, which is an abstract representation of a logical system. He also proved that any thing that is computable is computable with a Turing Machine. This is his most influential work in the field of computer science.
<li> Alan Turing created the Turing Test, which is not a real test, more of a standard to which to hold artificial intelligence systems. This is the "can a machine fool someone ..." thing. This is in no way related to his work on Turing Machines.
<li> Alan Turing did not invent the Enigma Machine, nor is it in any way related to Turing Machines. During World War II, the Germans used the Enigma Machine to encrypt their messages. Alan Turing, as a British scientist, devised a method to break the codes generated by the Enigma Machine. This work was vital to defeating the Germans.
<li> Wolfram is an asshole.