Surfin' USA
This weekend I was watching Point Break on tv, since there's no way to skip past it if it's on, and I realized that I really want to learn how to surf. The one attempt at Hampton Beach back in the day wasn't enough to deter me, but I am in significantly worse shape now than I was then. So, I've decided to make that my workout goal. Get in shape to surf. I'd like to turn it into a vacation goal, too...maybe Baja Penninsula, maybe New Zealand, maybe Hawaii. Surfing seems like such an exotic sport to learn, and I'm not all that exotic, unless you count the almond-shaped eyes, dark hair and olive complexion...and my penchant for spices and Asian, Mid-Eastern or African cuisine.
Anyway, that's that. I know there are surfers in our midst, and I'm not just talking about websurfers!
I'm thinking specifically of the drug bust gone bad in the beginning where RHCP's Anthony and Flea are thugs and Anthony shoots himself in the foot.
good times.
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name removal, chips, or SYSOP.
Not only have I not gotten close to getting in shape to surf, I don't even care about it anymore.
I've also been slacking on my reading project. Haven't picked up a book in 6 weeks! Crazy, I know. Especially since I usually can't keep my hands off of those beautiful objects of escapism. Guess I'm not that interested in escaping right now. Kind of enjoying the ruminations of my travels and trying to figure out how to maintain an interesting life in a place where I've found my self uninterested. Do I continue to make arbitrary goals for myself, or do I do something meaningful or fulfilling?
Go back to school? Move to another country? Try to make my workplace and life places I want to be and am engaged in thoroughly?
I'm willing to give anything a try, but maybe I should make a few more boundries. I've always said I have too many choices. Too many options. Too many things I enjoy doing.
Just not that good at focusing. Hmmmm.