Edward Prisby, alumni of CHS and UNH, makes the Globe front page.
Very amused to see Ed Prisby's name on the Globe front page this morning. The article is <a href="http://www.boston.com/business/personaltech/articles/2006/09/28/in_court_blogs_can_come_back_to_dog_the_writers/">here</a>.
Ed comes off as well spoken, even well written. I remember him being a bit too earnest back at CHS, maybe he still is, check him out at <a href="http://prizblog.blogspot.com/">prizblog.blogspot.com</a>.
Evidently he delivered Newton, Ward 3, Precinct 4 for Deval Patrick.
Fourteen minutes and counting.
tgl...Terry is that you?
another Membership Drive for Rideside. (But probably not as effective as the Wadsies.
Welcome Ed!
<i> - According to one on-line poster, I'm foisting third-rate Bill Simmons upon the internet - which is actually both a compliment and an astute observation, since that's exactly what I'm going for. </i>
Yeah, Oge and I took Latin together.
"Buzzorhowl, alumni of CHS and UNH, makes the Prizblog."