Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-06 04:28:47 +0000
Scorsese, Freakin' Scorsese
Let's go see The Departed!
Today, Friday 6th of October.
12:15pm, <a href="">Somerville Theater</a>, Davis Square.
Do it!
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-06 12:48:40 +0000
The word comin' in on this is very <a href="">good</a>.
Glob has a url on their website for a review which as of 9:01 am EST on 10/06/06 is BROKEN.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-06 13:27:50 +0000
Sorry, I have a day-job, so no matinees.
Oh, and I have a critter, so no night movies either.
Ahh, waiting for DVDs is the best.
I need to get a gigantic TV for movie watching, since that's the only place I ever see them.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-06 13:42:32 +0000
right there with you 10D.
the only thing about home movie viewing though (and I love my family to death... but:)someone taps you on the shoulder every 5 minutes...
Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-06 13:45:07 +0000
This is why I'm setting up my home theater in the shed.
"Oh, uh, I'm going to go sharpen my tools for a few hours, honey"
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-06 13:54:39 +0000
awesome. why didn't I think of this before?
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-06 19:11:06 +0000
Stunning work.
Leo is awesome. Walhberg is hilarious. Nicholson steals scenes. Damon is realistic. The chyck is hot. And there's violence galore.
Soundtrack is superb: The Stones, Dropkick Murphy's, 'Comfortably Numb' by Van Morrison and The Band, and even Michael Viner's Bongo Rock and Roll.
Perhaps the best $5 ever spent.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-06 19:12:25 +0000
Get your priorities straight, young man.
Take some time off from work. Go on the weekend. Get a babysitter.
Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-06 19:57:29 +0000
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-07 16:20:37 +0000
Decent review from <a href="">Edelstein</a>. I'll look for this. Probably on DVD too.
Unrelated to Scorsese, but to the same "Fresh Air" broadcast, is this replay of a <a href="">Steve Reich</a> interview. I haven't heard many Reich compositions, need to get more. I have BATTLS in my life.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-09 13:10:11 +0000
Heard on the radio this weekend that Scorsese is filming two Stones concerts at the end of the month.
Apparently, he is <a href="">making a documentary</a> a la the Band and Bob Dylan.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-09 22:30:04 +0000
I am 100% certain that there is a Concord High School yearbook in the box of stuff that Matt Damon's girlfriend moves into his apartment.
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-09 23:31:13 +0000
Matt Damon's girlfriend is who now?
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-09 23:47:24 +0000
In the film, it's <a href =""> Vera Farmiga. </a>
It's so obviously CHS -- I freaked out in the theater.
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-21 12:13:11 +0000
Tried to catch a name in the credits from ol' CHS. No luck.
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-21 15:57:30 +0000
Did you see the yearbook?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-23 00:23:49 +0000
For Scorsese, I think 'Gimme Shelter','Sympathy for the Devil' et. al have been usual suspects in <i> Mean Streets</i>, <i>Goodfellas</i>, and <i>Casino</i> at least. Now we can add <i> The Departed</i> and the impending Scorsese-helmed doc. on The Rolling Stones.
Soundtrack-wise Scorsese might have just taken the 'popular music-as-film-soundtrack' signature to the next level by making a sole recording artist virtually synonymous with his pictures.
The use of prerecorded songs came into popularity in the late 60's w/ Mike Nichols's <i> The Graduate</i>,George Lucas's <i>American Graffiti</i> and Scorsese's <i>Mean Streets</i> and was kinda resurrected in most of Tarantino's films.
Conor is totally spot-on w/ his 'stunning work' assesment. This is one of those films you are instantaneously plotting to see again before the credits even roll.
Writing / story structure: A+
Scuzziest cop(s) ever: A+
A Scorsese-helmed Hollywood effort to accurately nail Boston: A*
Music: A+ (The pre-recorded stuff at least, the Score was credited to Howard Shore who did all the Lord of the Rings scores, I dont remmeber any of the film score - which some film composers take as a compliment as it is supposed to accentuate the film)
Keep 'em Guessing Factor: A+
This is definitely one to see on a big screen if anyone is weighing the options of waiting for video or whatever...
*[The A is a crazy compliment, though. While <i> Mystic River</i> was an excellent film, Penn and Robbins and Freeman just didn't really sell me on it. The Story was still good, though]
Posted by G lib on 2006-10-23 12:32:12 +0000
And filmed in Eastie.
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-23 13:17:13 +0000
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-23 13:39:28 +0000
Caught the 8pm Friday showing at <a href="">Cinema Salem</a>. Closer than Revere Showcase and only $7.
I was on the edge of my seat from just about the time Damon's character closes the deal on the Beacon Hill penthouse. Really fine characters, excellent portrayals. Gripping plot. Wahlberg and Baldwin vie for most farcical. I think Wahlberg's character really works, even though he's a bit over the top. I might prefer Nicholson's performance above all others. Althought, there seems to be a couple unscripted moments that seem a bit bizarre, I'm thinking of the restaurant scene between Costello and Costigan in particular.
I went in preparing to dislike DiCaprio, but he wins you over. The trailer for "Blood Diamond" didn't really help things.
A wonderful thought piece on trust and identity. In the end, everyone's a rat.
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-10-23 15:39:00 +0000
Why Nicholson? I thought he really cruised through the movie, giving a typically Nicholson qua Nicholson performance. Also, the weakest bits seemed to be nothing more than vehicles for him, e.g., the roll in the cocaine scene.
I agree totally with your last sentence though, tgl. Not a lot of movies leave you randomly contemplating them days later.
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-23 15:48:43 +0000
The opera/cocaine scene was gratuituous and didn't really do much to develop the character.
"rat face" from the aforementioned restaurant scene was quintessential Nicholson, it was still enjoyable.
Not sure what was motivating Damon's character, allegiance to Costello? His dream of the state house consisted of... ?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-23 15:50:59 +0000
Power, maybe?
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-10-23 18:18:07 +0000
Not being the poor kid living with his grandma?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-24 11:45:51 +0000
that's a good one, too.
Posted by tgl on 2006-10-24 15:13:48 +0000
OK, he was grateful to Costello for saving him from poverty, and they had (or at least Sullivan thought they had) a father-son relationship.
Still, what's up with the state house imagery?
Posted by MF DU on 2007-02-21 16:06:57 +0000
Glob today has a <a href=""><i>Departed</i> tour of Boston</a>. Kinda cool.
the DVD just came out - I am trying to watch all the Hong Kong <i>Infernal Affairs</i> series of films first (three in total) that Scorsese et. al adapted from...
, but I am itching to see this again.
Posted by Miriam on 2007-10-09 18:19:52 +0000
Saw "Blood Diamond" last night on OnDemand. Liked it. Cried a little. Makes me want diamonds even less than before.
Posted by MF DU on 2007-10-09 18:24:24 +0000
I take my fear, my humiliation
I crush it in my fist,
I open my hand,
I've got a diamond.
My diamond is <b>Rage</b>.
I've got <b>diamonds in my eyes</b>.</i>
Wow. His neck girth was impressive even when he was skinny!
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-10-10 14:49:18 +0000
Your ability to focus on something other than his waistline is what's impressive! He has that little dip thing that slim men have where leg meets torso... Yow!
Posted by G lib on 2007-10-10 15:08:47 +0000
Oh, wait a minute, I found a better contender for 'separated at birth'
Glob has a url on their website for a review which as of 9:01 am EST on 10/06/06 is BROKEN.
Oh, and I have a critter, so no night movies either.
Ahh, waiting for DVDs is the best.
I need to get a gigantic TV for movie watching, since that's the only place I ever see them.
the only thing about home movie viewing though (and I love my family to death... but:)someone taps you on the shoulder every 5 minutes...
"Oh, uh, I'm going to go sharpen my tools for a few hours, honey"
Leo is awesome. Walhberg is hilarious. Nicholson steals scenes. Damon is realistic. The chyck is hot. And there's violence galore.
Soundtrack is superb: The Stones, Dropkick Murphy's, 'Comfortably Numb' by Van Morrison and The Band, and even Michael Viner's Bongo Rock and Roll.
Perhaps the best $5 ever spent.
Take some time off from work. Go on the weekend. Get a babysitter.
Unrelated to Scorsese, but to the same "Fresh Air" broadcast, is this replay of a <a href="">Steve Reich</a> interview. I haven't heard many Reich compositions, need to get more. I have BATTLS in my life.
Apparently, he is <a href="">making a documentary</a> a la the Band and Bob Dylan.
It's so obviously CHS -- I freaked out in the theater.
Soundtrack-wise Scorsese might have just taken the 'popular music-as-film-soundtrack' signature to the next level by making a sole recording artist virtually synonymous with his pictures.
The use of prerecorded songs came into popularity in the late 60's w/ Mike Nichols's <i> The Graduate</i>,George Lucas's <i>American Graffiti</i> and Scorsese's <i>Mean Streets</i> and was kinda resurrected in most of Tarantino's films.
Conor is totally spot-on w/ his 'stunning work' assesment. This is one of those films you are instantaneously plotting to see again before the credits even roll.
Writing / story structure: A+
Scuzziest cop(s) ever: A+
A Scorsese-helmed Hollywood effort to accurately nail Boston: A*
Music: A+ (The pre-recorded stuff at least, the Score was credited to Howard Shore who did all the Lord of the Rings scores, I dont remmeber any of the film score - which some film composers take as a compliment as it is supposed to accentuate the film)
Keep 'em Guessing Factor: A+
This is definitely one to see on a big screen if anyone is weighing the options of waiting for video or whatever...
*[The A is a crazy compliment, though. While <i> Mystic River</i> was an excellent film, Penn and Robbins and Freeman just didn't really sell me on it. The Story was still good, though]
I was on the edge of my seat from just about the time Damon's character closes the deal on the Beacon Hill penthouse. Really fine characters, excellent portrayals. Gripping plot. Wahlberg and Baldwin vie for most farcical. I think Wahlberg's character really works, even though he's a bit over the top. I might prefer Nicholson's performance above all others. Althought, there seems to be a couple unscripted moments that seem a bit bizarre, I'm thinking of the restaurant scene between Costello and Costigan in particular.
I went in preparing to dislike DiCaprio, but he wins you over. The trailer for "Blood Diamond" didn't really help things.
A wonderful thought piece on trust and identity. In the end, everyone's a rat.
I agree totally with your last sentence though, tgl. Not a lot of movies leave you randomly contemplating them days later.
"rat face" from the aforementioned restaurant scene was quintessential Nicholson, it was still enjoyable.
Not sure what was motivating Damon's character, allegiance to Costello? His dream of the state house consisted of... ?
Still, what's up with the state house imagery?
the DVD just came out - I am trying to watch all the Hong Kong <i>Infernal Affairs</i> series of films first (three in total) that Scorsese et. al adapted from...
, but I am itching to see this again.
I take my fear, my humiliation
I crush it in my fist,
I open my hand,
I've got a diamond.
My diamond is <b>Rage</b>.
I've got <b>diamonds in my eyes</b>.</i>
<img src=" ">
the "Irritating Rollins Post"™ hadn't reared its ugly head on RSN for a while and I could not resist.
Separated at birth?
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<img src="$product$">
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I see a LOT of camo in Nashville, but not too many guys who look like that in overalls.