If any of y'all have been dying for the opportunity to see a band that never practices and has only written one song in the last two years, c'mon down to O'Brien's tonight. We go on around 10, I think. Maybe.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-10-07 18:09:19 +0000
I'd love to see you guys play, especially as yr RSD contributions are always so enjoyable, but even if I jumped on a plane now I don't think I'd get there in time.
However, I did listen to some of yr music on <a href="http://www.bostonrocklive.com/">Boston Rock Live</a>, and y'all kick some serious ass.
So all you Massholes, get yr asses down there & stick 'em way out for a Stoves-style kickin'!
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-07 19:05:04 +0000
However, I did listen to some of yr music on <a href="http://www.bostonrocklive.com/">Boston Rock Live</a>, and y'all kick some serious ass.
So all you Massholes, get yr asses down there & stick 'em way out for a Stoves-style kickin'!