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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-10 13:26:10 +0000

New Dischord Listens / Album Artwork Seperated At Birth

So: got the new <a href="http://www.dischord.com/store?action=showRel&relNumber=153">Joe Lally</a> lp in the mail last week.

First impressions:
Very minimal and chantlike. Not at all mathrockish start/stop Fugazi stuff, although, some of the dub-like wandering throbbing bass along with murky bells / percussion do lend a shade to past Fugazi sounds. Lally's voice, IMHO sounds small and a little unpowerful/awkward on some of the more stripped down tracks on the albums, but the tracks where there are several musicians are pretty strong.

At any rate, most of Fugazi and other talented folks in the DC milieu, except for Brendan Canty, make guest spots here and there (including Jerry Busher, who added additional percussion to 2001's <i>The Argument</i>, Amy Even (Farina), and former Happy Go Licky / Rites Of Spring member Eddie Janney).

Canty has been busy making films including 3 differnt volumes of 'Burn to Shine' and the impending Jeff Tweedy tour film which should sate wilco fans until their next release.

also, looking way forward to the second Evens release Dischord #160 in November.

Upon seeing the artwork below,

<img src="http://www.dischord.com/images/160.jpg">

I was reminded of an album cover that helped start the whole DC thing...
<img src="http://www.morphius.com/images/items/RUSLP8223_lg.jpg">

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