TV on the RADIO
The new album, Return to Cookie Mountain, totally kicking me in the ass right now... Is it Wilco mashed with Bad Brains? Or is it the Beta Band mashed with Trent Reznor's long lost punk band? Who knows... Thoroughly enjoyable, and possibly album of the year.
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reallly hard to pick a best song, there are so many.
Right now I am partial to the single "Wolf Like Me" and the David Bowie track "Province"
when are they comin to Beantown?
Id even deal with the scenesters for this one.
Damn him!
Damn his eyes!
Man, you go to a meeting for a few hours and everything is amok.
Where, where?
Oh well, maybe next time - unable to make a show on that short notice.
Played 'Cookie Mountain' 2 times all the way through today while Maddie and I made homemade pistachio ice cream.
My first Letterman Youtube link bit the dust, so (if you missed it the first time) here is another person/poster giving the finger to the new boy scout media copyright merit badge:
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Sorry C4RT, but you have some serious competition for album of the year.
in all seriousness, though,
I would agree with Conor on this one.
Look out folks: those pesky year-end media lists will be coming soon to a Rideside near you, and this one will be on it...
Are you sayin' you still wouldn't listen to them if they were fantastic, b/c they might be getting extra publicity from the one white dude in the band?
I like how Shaffer and the band play 'Positive Bleeding' as they cut to commercial.
I agree w/ BQ it depends on the critic: "I highly doubt that if a group of skinny white trust fund boys were doing this shit there'd be the same amount of hype."
From most critics, I think they would clearly get more hype. But there are a couple who treat TV on R as a novelty act, similar to critics who admire the Beastie Boys simply because they're white dudes rapping, or those who like Mentanpin just because they're Japanese playing southern rock, regardless of the tunes.
TV on R's music is fucking amazing, it just happens BQ doesn't like them much.
My feeling is that music is a business as much as anything else, and if you can use your skin color to gain favor with the critics, why not?
Terribly important bands not the least bit owing to their skin color:
* Bad Brains
* Living Colour
* TV on the Radio
* Parliament/Funkadelic
* Beastie Boys
Okay: Tim Kinsella (a white trustifarian) did the same bullshit in a band called Joan of Arc and <i>nobody</i> cares about them.
(doing my best to imitate Giancarlo Esposito in <i>Do The Right Thing</i>):
"How come they're aren't any brothers in the Campaign for Real Time?"
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I guess my main (playful) point was that a [gimmick/niche/schtick/whatever you want to call it] isn't always a bad thing for a band to have - does it matter if it is race and loops/whirls or timetravel and tag team vocals?