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tome cusp
Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-11 12:17:58 +0000

"Blog Podcast" on RSN?

Saw the below as I was logging out the other nite.

SYSOP: Is there a way for us to take advantage of this feature?

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/104/266888562_9eea66714d_o.jpg">

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-11 13:08:53 +0000
I can allow you to upload and attach files to your blog entries. The first attached file would be shown in the block to the right. My only concern is that we will quickly eat up the paltry 650M of disk space left on this machine.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-11 13:24:19 +0000
Can we all pitch in and buy RS.N a new disk?

Tommy, do we have one laying around from the old MCOTP?

Hell, I'll buy you a disk.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-11 13:37:02 +0000
Thanks for the info :)

I'm in no way thinking of "squatting" huge data files on yr machine - I was more curious of what the board was capable of.

If I ever get off my huge podcasting ass, I would probbaly house the sounselsewhere and put links on RSN.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-11 13:38:06 +0000
I could easily be persuaded to contribute to a highly worthy cause such as this ;)

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-11 15:48:59 +0000
Hard drives are getting pretty cheap -- I wouldn't mind throwing in some money. Can the sysop open a paypal account, maybe?

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-11 16:03:09 +0000
650M? Wow, that's almost cute...

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-11 16:04:00 +0000
I happened to notice a couple of days ago that I still have the SysOp's bank account as one of the accounts I can transfer money to... I can wire cash right into yer pocket!

Posted by tommy on 2006-10-11 23:17:57 +0000
Alas, the old MCotP disks have been donated to workmate "Double-A" for some less worthy project.

Maybe all of the RSN-associated bands can have a benefit show with proceeds going to the purchase of a new hard drive?

Seriously, though, I would chip in for a new disk.

Posted by G lib on 2006-10-12 12:40:47 +0000
Moi aussi.

Especially if it can become part of the wooden computer. It's probably not fair to put that kind of caveat on it, eh?

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