Entire Complete SNL season(s?) to be released on DVD
from <a href="http://www.digitalbits.com/#mytwocents">Digital Bits</a> at the end of last week:
<i>So... you want some cool news to make the end of your week a happy one? This should do nicely then: Universal has just officially announced the DVD release of Saturday Night Live 1975-1976: The Complete First Season for 12/5! The 8-disc set (SRP $69.98) will include all 24 90-minute episodes complete with their original hosts and all the original musical guests. You also get a 32-page book of liner notes and rare case photos. I'll tell you, we were wondering if this would EVER happen. How cool will it be to be able to go back and enjoy vintage SNL just as it was originally broadcast? Dan Aykroyd, John Belushi, Chevy Chase, Gilda Radner, Garrett Morris, Jane Curtin, Laraine Newman. Can you imagine? Frickin' awesome, man. AWESOME!</i>
Maybe my hopes of seeing all the past musical "renegade" guests arent totally lost...