<b>F*CK THEM!</b>
Is what PChippy said when he noticed that someone had stolen our two waist-high basil plants from our community garden THE DAY BEFORE we were going to pick them. We had grown them from seed-- tended and watered them all spring and summer and were looking forward to making pesto that night with TGL and Lara. They were there Friday and gone Sunday AM.
What could possibly convince someone that that was okay? And even sadder is that we're pretty sure that the theif is someone who belongs to the garden...
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We would have been peeved but not really angry if they had taken some basil and left us some. But they took everything they could see.
Chippy describes trying to grow vegetables in a place where they can get stolen as "heartbreaking." It is.
Virgin Mary = Punched in the Face!
They'd certainly come up with a witty way of describing what happened...
<i>Quotes from the Rochester, NH police log, courtesy Foster's Daily Democrat:</i>
5:42 a.m. -- A Charles Street man loses his dog, which “looks like a deer.†Name of Roe-ver?
6:28 a.m. -- On Strafford Road, a man reports that someone has stolen all the money he made at his yard sale from his pants' pocket.
7:04 a.m. -- The Strafford man finds his yard sale money in his shoe.
8:09 a.m. -- Road rage smolders all the way from Epping to Rochester.
9:15 a.m. -- A concerned person calls about a very frail old woman walking on Gear Road towards Route 125 and says, "If a TT unit goes by it will blow the lady over." Police find no trace, which means she has made it safely to her destination -- or drifted off like thistledown.
10:14 a.m. -- A lawn ornament has been stolen from a Brock Street lawn. The owner declines to file a formal report as he is "happy to see the ornament gone."
12:42 p.m. -- Willey the dog is missing from Pine Street. According to the log it is a "Chiowa," a breed unknown to the American Kennel Club.
3:29 p.m. -- At Riverview Drive, one neighbor inflicts obscenities on another.
3:49 p.m. -- Tire smoking irks on Ridgewood Drive.
3:59 p.m. -- School kids dent a bus on Jamey Drive. The driver knows where they live.
4:06 p.m. -- A husband and wife fall out over a yard sale on Highland Street. Cereal, glasses and harsh words are thrown.
4:39 p.m. -- Two kids pull down “caution†tape on Charles Street, and in a further act of civil defiance, they smoke cigarettes.
5:04 p.m. -- Someone chases a loose Chihuahua on the Common, where doggies should not be.
5:21 p.m. -- The president of a "global company" doing business in Germany says he and his family are being followed. He would like to speak to a Rochester police officer.
5:42 p.m. -- On Harvard Street, a man's wife takes all his money and won't give him any.
5:48 p.m. -- A fight near the high school features an "older man vs. a younger man." A 50-year-old, presumably the codger, is taken into protective custody.
6:23 p.m. -- An old man described as "confused" rides a bike on Patton Street. Then he falls off.
6:23 p.m. -- Beer drinkers have been "throwing black coal" at a Northgate Apartments porch. Police do not treat this as a miner incident.
7:13 p.m. -- A man goes up and down Salmon Falls Road screaming into a cell phone about spitting in someone's face. A lady cries and a campfire crackles. Police arrive double quick but find no one has been assaulted and that the fire has been permitted.
7:58 p.m. -- An Academy Street window is broken by a Frisbee. The parents of the Frisbee owner will pay for the fix. (Note to dispatch -- "Frisbee" is a hospital. It can break your bank but not your window.)
8:14 p.m. -- In front of Payless Shoes, a naked man gets out of a car to mail a letter. He waves to the clerk and then drives away. He is described as very short.
8:15 p.m. -- Trash has been lying on the Common, the pride of Rochester, for several days.
9:01 p.m. -- Seven juveniles with bats chase adults out of Hanson Pines. Police seek thugs with sticks, not young Draculas.
9:33 p.m. -- A face is “broken†in a fight at Cumberland Farms on Knight Street. Frisbie is asked to call if any broken faces show up there.
9:44 p.m. -- The Harvard Street gentleman complains about his wife stealing his money again.
9:47 p.m. -- At Walgreens, a drunk progresses from a nuisance to a menace after he urinates on himself.
10:04 p.m. -- At the football game, a man threatens to stab, slice the throat and burn the house down of another spectator.
10:31 p.m. -- On Route 202, a Great Dane runs towards Dunkin Donuts. Hamlet needs a sugar fix?
10:45 p.m. -- A man on Periwinkle Drive spots someone out back of his trailer, thanks to night vision glasses.
12:16 a.m. -- A tall, skinny, dirty person is suspected of stealing a 12-pack of soda at Cumberland Farms on Knight Street.
1:14 a.m. -- A lady and gentleman argue about a crack pipe on Heaton Street.
1:37 a.m. -- Four citizens on a golf cart ride around the Fairgrounds, deliberately banging in to things. They seem, surprise, surprise, to be drunk.
The police beat in my hometown paper is awesome. The police beat in the Eastie Times is interesting. However, before today I had no idea how good a police beat could actually be.
Thank you for showing me the way.