"I freaked out very very badly. I freaked out on acid."
I realise now that there is nothing I would put past our government. Or rather, any government.
<a href="http://www.wonkette.com/politics/fearmongering/we-wish-theyd-torture-us-with-lsd-207951.php">Yikes</a>.
In any case, reading that article reminded me of what a truly fantastic album <strong>Confessions of a Knife</strong> is. So... colour me simultaneously shaken and stirred.
<img src="http://ec3.images-amazon.com/images/G/01/ciu/5d/45/c116729fd7a0e9765cafc010.L.jpg"></src>
that looks like artwork you'd see on a Melvins album for King Buzzo or something:
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/81/272424191_dbfb456608_o.jpg">
I'm so paranoid I think the USA is being run by a lying alcoholic ... no, calm down, it's just the acid the CIA gave me... No, I'm on acid AND the USA is being run by a freakin' lying alcoholic!
Remember W loved alcohol almost as much as he loved coke, but both pale in comparison to his current love of little baby Jesus.