Unibroue appreesh
Had a couple Unibroue beers on Saturday, at the coffee shop in downtown Lynn. Gulu-Gulu Cafe doesn't have taps, so I tend to go for the foreign bottles, bypassing the Wachusett's Blueberry.
Anyway, I had for the second time this fall a La Fin du Monde. Which knocked my socks off. I've had it before, and haven't quite warmed to the heavy malt/yeast flavors of this brewer. For whatever the reason, it seems to be working for me now. Doesn't hurt that "La Fin" is 9% ABV. I followed up with a Trois Pistoles, which was fine.
Since then, I've picked up an 8-pack sampler at Vinnin Liquors ($8.99) and am quietly working through the offerings. So far:
La Fin du Monde: Incredibly rich and full. Creamy. Heavy mouth feel. Pronounced hops, but primarily malt and yeast flavors. Upon reading the <a href="http://www.unibroue.com/products/fin.cfm">description</a>, I'm surprised to find that it is spiced. I usually don't go in for that stuff, but it seems to work, here.
Trois Pistoles: Owing to previous consumption, I don't think I was able to concentrate on this beer, particularly. I have one chilling, though. Darker in color, it had less mouth feel and less richness than La Fin.
Don de Deiu: Smooth wheat beer. Might be a good summer quaff. Fairly light on the palate, although that typical Unibroue yeastiness is there.
Maudite: A sort of less complex La Fin.
Saturday was an impromptu downtown Lynn appreesh evening. The wife and I started with an early reservation at the Oxford Grill. A great value restaurant. Most entrees around $20. The appetizers and soups are always stunning. I'd compare the food with Franklin Cafe, maybe a bit better in terms of presentation and creativity. Being in Lynn, the service can be a bit spotty. Be prepared for Amateur Hour. The hostess that night was wearing her retainer.
Afterwards we stopped by Gulu-Gulu for (ostensibly a coffee, as the "Oxie" hasn't figured out espresso yet) a nightcap.
They may have lowered prices. I do remember them being in that higher bracket.
La Fin du Monde got me blotto at Q many a time. If I'm only going to have one beer, it might as well be a really killer beer.
Ephemere: Beer with apple juice. Not very good on first taste, only improved as my palate deadened.