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tome cusp
Posted by G lib on 2006-10-19 12:37:46 +0000


I know that <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/local/politics/candidates/articles/2006/10/19/pike_board_acts_to_end_tolls_west_of_route_128/"> this</a> probably made MF DU's day, but at in the same month as <a href="http://www.thephoenix.com/article_ektid12060.aspx">this?</a>

Take you your "Take Public Transportation" campaign and shove it up your ass.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-19 12:40:40 +0000
Why should people in Western Mass that have to commute to work using 90 have to fund the big dig?

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 12:54:23 +0000
Because those people wouldn't have a job without easy access to Logan airport.

Please let me know when they actually do manage to remove the tolls. I won't be holding my breath. I know what Romney will do: they'll be called "Fee Booths".

Posted by tommy on 2006-10-19 13:28:32 +0000
Yeah, but you could say the same thing about people in Stoneham and access to downtown Boston. But, they don't pay tolls. Why not just set the gas tax to some appropriate rate such that it pays for any maintenance/construction that is to be done? That would apply fairly to everyone (provided the maintenance/construction is allocated fairly, which is another issue). Plus it can be collected efficiently.

I've only ever seen two places where toll make sense. First is for "cut through" states. For example, Delaware. I bet most of the people using I-95 in Delaware are just cutting through between Philly/NJ and Baltimore. So, perhaps funding that highway with tolls makes sense since these people aren't paying any gas tax to Delaware. Same could maybe be said for Seacoast NH. This is certainly not the case for the Pike.

Second is when tolls are turned on for only certain hours of the day to discourage rush hour driving. I'm not sure if I agree with this one even, but it does make some sense.

Leaving aside for a minute the tunnel and bridge tolls, think about this from a state-wide perspective... We have quite a few suburban highways. Let's see: two 95s, 93, 128, two 3s, 2, Pike, 24, 495, 195, and 290 in Eastern Mass. If you were arguing for tolls on <b>all</b> of them, then that's one thing (and I'd disagree with you). But <b>one</b> of them? Why just one?

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-19 13:33:06 +0000
It is really indefensible - the sooner they are gone - the better.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-19 14:10:09 +0000
Hear, Hear!

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-19 14:43:56 +0000
That Logan argument for Western Mass folk is way weak. One word for you: <a href="http://www.bradleyairport.com/home/home.php">Bradley</a>.

Getting to an airport in a half hour vs. driving an hour in a tunnel that might kill me? What decision would you make?

I at least agree with G lib's tags on the post that the words "Fuckups" and "Masspike" (at least how the Masspike has historically been run - maybe this new piece of news marks a new era - one can only hope) should be intrinsically linked.

From the posted front page Glob article:

"``The cost of manual toll collection has grown unacceptably high," the report concluded, finding that wages and benefits made up <s>91 percent of the cost of collecting tolls</s>. "

Also to clarify that while the fiscal report came from people that work with Romney, the Masspike can remove most of the tools <b>without</b> legislative approval.

Whether or not this news is close to an election might be an added bonus to Healey, but it can happen too even if king Coca Cola is elected...

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 14:53:07 +0000
How many Fidelity execs do you know that leave and arrive via Bradley?

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 14:59:14 +0000
I'm not one to defend tolls as the best means of funding transportation infrastructure. I agree: a gas tax seems best. Toll bridges and tunnels work for me, though.

I just don't see Romney/Healey being able to make good on this pledge and adequately maintain our road and highways without instituting an offsetting tax/fee/whatever-obsfuscation-they're-calling-it-today.

I'm also a big believer in everyone benefiting from sound transportation policies. The eastern half of Massachusetts generates way more tax revenues than the western half. Paltry as our aid to cities and towns is, Springfield needs the businesses of eastern Massachusetts to have access to dependable transportation in order to pay for schools, police, fire, etc.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-19 15:56:00 +0000
Gotta say that bus service has been the worst I can remember since September, when the kids got back. The addition of the new Charlie turnstiles on the busses has made the bad service worse.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-19 16:01:05 +0000
how many Fidelity execs live in Western Mass?

Posted by MF DU on 2006-10-19 16:03:09 +0000
yep us bumpkins should thank our lucky stars (if we knew what stars were) for all the city folk...

sorry. A little too elitist for my tastes.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-19 16:03:52 +0000
Getting to an airport in 45 minutes vs. driving 45 minutes in a tunnel that might kill me? What decision would you make?

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 16:14:39 +0000
Are you disputing that revenues tend to be created inside 128 and consumed outside? If that's the case, please let me know, then I'll shut up.

I don't _resent_ that my tax dollars are spent outside my living/working area, just stating the facts.

We're all in this together. I feel that I personally benefit when western cities and towns can provide needed and necessary services for their communites.

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 16:18:26 +0000
Maybe I should restate it: Does Fidelity benefit from having easy access to Logan so that business travelers (executives included) see the benefit of bringing themselves (and their money) to Metro-Boston area?

I think it does. Everyone talks (at least Healey and Patrick) about having a business friendly environment, one that will lure business to locate in MA rather than NH or NC. Transportation is one consideration that business make when deciding on locating facilities. If Metro-Boston is an attractive location, and attracts businesses, then the whole state benefits.

Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-10-19 16:18:40 +0000
If y'all moved to East Boston, you'd live next to the airport, get a discount on the tunnel tolls (it's 40 cents) and you could walk to Santarpio's.

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 16:25:19 +0000
Pizza. I never get pizza for lunch.

Posted by Miriam on 2006-10-19 16:58:35 +0000
Um, at least you have normal/accessible public transportation.

Posted by G lib on 2006-10-19 17:41:22 +0000

Only poor people take busses.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-10-19 17:45:11 +0000
Right. I keep forgetting.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-19 19:55:54 +0000
You gotta get the barbeque at Santarpio's.

Posted by tgl on 2006-10-19 20:02:15 +0000
Meat Night. I never get Meat Night for lunch.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-10-19 20:07:41 +0000
...and the hot peppers. Gotta get the hot peppers.

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