10/21/06: A Cruddy Cell Phone Photo Essay
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-Day began by meeting up w/ Lil sis Ladew, roommate Jessie and Steve Ladew @ Waterdown Diner for flapjacks.
-Preceded to take the T (Bus - ha! can you see the whole ladewtangclan on public transpo? well it happened and we LOVED IT - my Dad made like 3 or 4 friends on our short trip)to Harvard square.
-Watched a little bit of the regatta from the bus.
-Got Maddie Nigs some books and such @ Curious George Goes to Wordsworth for the impending "Holiday" at the end of December, then went upstairs and looked at antique maps and books. My Dad looked at some first edition Winston Churchill edited history books. they were roughly $3K. we left them there.
-Pored through the 'going out of business' tower record sale, which was anything but a sale. Anything of value will be sold off to another company that isn't going out of business. 20% off something that is already 35% overpriced? No thanks.
-Ice Cream in the Garage (mmmmmm).
-Back to Lil Ladews - said goodbye to Steve and played video games for a while.
-Went out to the common and saw over <a href="http://www.boston.com/news/local/articles/2006/10/21/pumpkin_record_boston_wants_to_smash_it/">30,000 lit jack o'lanterns</a>. Insanely cool. My only regrets are that the little critter didn't get to see them. (The best thing were like 5 or 6 guys carrying megaphones imploring us to take as many pumpkins as we could hold. One Cried: "for the love of all things decent! Please take a pumpkin!... I'm glad I wasnt on clean up detail on Sunday morning)
-ended up @ a Sushi place called Ginza in Chinatown. Kirin, tempura and a big ass wooden boat full of Sushi. I had octopus for the first time. It was better than expected.
-Closed off the crazy day with a screening of 'The Departed' @ Loewes Boston Common. Huge freekin theater, excellent seats, excellent film.
Best day I have had in a long time.