I'm Feeling Lucky Sugar?
OK Sysop, here's a challenge for you:
Can we get some html sugar that links text to the google I'm feeling lucky? My link to candorville would have been some syntax like:
And that would translate to:
<a href="http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=Candorville&btnI=I'm%20Feeling%20Lucky">Candorville</a>
Cut and paste that link for the magic.
I'll take it under advisement. It might be easier to lobby W3C.org to get this included in the standard.
Syntactic sugar is a SICP fagen.
My job is a mixture of syntactic sugar and syntactic heroin. Regular expressions are syntactic heroin... so are macros... I love macros... need more macros... Macro Magic!
emacs is arcane and for people clinging to the past. I was at a conference (Java One, many years ago) and <lucky>James Gosling</lucky> was there and he claimed that Java was the only worthwhile thing he'd done in his life. From the crowd came protests of, "EMACS!" Gosling replied, "Emacs? I use VI."
Fuck MIT.
And How!
<li>VIM is not legal roman: 994 is CMXCIV.
<li>Wouldn't "<lucky>VIM</lucky>" have been better?
<li>This is cool: <lucky>CMXCIV</lucky>