Drunk dialin is right: BITCH!
@ lil Ladew's via satellite (post #1) 10/28/06 11:30 pm
-Wearing Indian Corn cock
-Listening to a guy behind me playing John carpenter's <i> Halloween</i> theme
-Pat Benatar on the Stereo
-Sierra Nevada Oktoberfest on tap
-vomiting jack o lantern on the coffee table
-Hall and Oates and Wu Tang have a song in which the protagonist belts out "M-E-T-H-O-D"
-Ghost Pumpkins make good boobs
-Lime / Lemon / Beer spiced shrimp = crazy good
-stealing my sibs handle
Rumor had it that Glumac was going to show. He did not.
It was still a good night. Pics to follow.
Do you guys like my pumpkin bra?
<img src="http://images.kodakgallery.com/photos2686/4/14/27/7/73/6/673072714405_0_ALB.jpg">
<img src="http://images.kodakgallery.com/servlet/Images/photos2679/4/53/89/34/3/9/903348953405_0_BG.jpg?a=13">
lemme 'manipulate' and I'll get back to you.
MotherFUCK kodak (and camelcase)
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/111/307865590_b0ca14681b.jpg?v=0">
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/102/307865585_af24dd149d.jpg?v=0">
<img src="http://static.flickr.com/101/307865586_b9f85e42dd.jpg?v=0">
ahh - good ol Flickr. Much better.
playing w/Amanda Palmer tonite at The Paradise and some saw the above for free...
Anyhoo - it was fun and I particularly enjoyed Buzz's take on the internet. A couple of 404's, Nigerian money laundering schemes and a photo of Al Gore somewhere would've made it complete.
"Look, it's my friend Rich!"
"What's he got hanging from his cock?"
My wife and I were farm stand naughty bits