Impaled Steve Irwin took the cake at the partay I was at.
One guy had a Devo style jumpsuit and a portable boombox. He ran around and gave ministrip teases to people - it mustve been a gag on the Japanese street vendors from the first 'Jackass' film.
Good Stuff.
Posted by tommy on 2006-10-30 17:48:55 +0000
There was a guy at our halloween party dressed as gum-on-a-shoe this year. It was okay, I guess. Picture is below, and more pictures are <a href="">here</a>.
Jesus is <b>always</b> funny. I dressed as Jesus as a senior in high school. I was "crucified" on a large cardboard cross, and was wearing only a crown of thorns and a pair of tighty-whiteys. Later, I put on a sundress and hung a sign around my neck that said "Jesus was a cross-dresser". Get it? Ha ha ha.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-30 18:57:41 +0000
Pulp Fiction costumes were funny about 8 or 9 years ago. Now they bore me like "Blues Bros" costumes, and in fact they are quite similar: "Hey lets were black suits and sorta skinny ties..." ZZZZ
Black-face only fun when eating watermelon.
Best costumes in E. Cambr. were a fantastic Shirley Temple with homemade ruffled red dress, lollipop, and tap shoes. Rob from 26 Warwick St. as Marie-Antoinette was also fairly inspired. Pete Galiea was a member of blue man group, and Roadhouse was Spiderman.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-10-30 19:01:25 +0000
I saw a Steve Irwin on Saturday nite, and I'm tld I'll see another on Halloween.
Here's Bill Maher's take:
<img src="">
Posted by Miriam on 2006-10-30 22:50:59 +0000
So, I think the best part of my night was that my ride and party friend was the only single, female rabbi in town. It was a little weird being loaded in the car ride home with her driving and telling me about her dating life with me trying not to slur my words and sound like a dolt, and trying to keep all the punch I had in my belly...the open window on the highway helped.
Honestly, the party I went to would've been fun for all of y'all. There was a family dressed as Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, and their 2 year old son was the inmate. Priceless.
I even ran into and talked most of the night with a dude I went on a blind date with before I moved here. He was shitfaced from the start, so it was pretty funny. When I saw him in February he was dating a blond. She was nowhere in sight, and when I asked where his special lady friend was, he said he didn't have one. Then he gave me his card to be in touch about coming with me to NOLA for a clean-up trip I'm leading in December...while he was staring at my overwhelming and overflowing cleavage.
Haven't dealt with someone not being able to look me in the eye because of a breast distraction before, or maybe I never noticed before.
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-10-31 01:31:37 +0000
<img src = "">
bto at sky bar 10/31
Posted by Miriam on 2006-10-31 14:34:00 +0000
Holy crap! That takes it.
Posted by G lib on 2006-11-01 12:37:10 +0000
I really think that the little car makes tommy the winner...
The guy dressed up as the gym teacher that had people do the long jump* in the kitchen of the party was pretty good, too.
*After telling this story to Chippy, he was quick to point out that what we did as decidedly not the 'long jump' but the 'broad jump', as we didn't have a running start.
Posted by Honar the librarian on 2006-11-02 18:09:06 +0000
Group cosutme--most of the characters from GIJoe--both sides--including, but not limited to:
Dextro, The Baroness, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Lady Jaye, Gung Ho, Sgt. Slaughter and the dude with the skis
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-03 00:50:32 +0000
well, now I know. and knowing is half the battle.
<img src="">
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-03 00:52:24 +0000
BTW: Since the thread is titled "Best Costume Halloween 2007" all of us should probly shut the eff up and let Rory and Lee "Black Eye" Bronson do the talking/posting...
Posted by Miriam on 2006-11-03 15:54:27 +0000
Sorry about that...I think I've been doing a little time travelling myself these days.
Posted by Miriam on 2006-11-03 15:55:08 +0000
Was reminded yesterday of the guy who went as one of the cavemen from the commercials on tv. Awesome.
Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-11-06 17:37:20 +0000
Hey! I take umbrage to that nickname!
For 2007, I <i>hopefully</i> will debut my Rorschach costume.
Posted by Miriam on 2006-11-06 20:41:50 +0000
If it's anything like my "Moth to a Flame" of 1997, it will be awesome and you'll get some weird looks. Satisfaction is self-sustaining.
One guy had a Devo style jumpsuit and a portable boombox. He ran around and gave ministrip teases to people - it mustve been a gag on the Japanese street vendors from the first 'Jackass' film.
Good Stuff.
Jesus is <b>always</b> funny. I dressed as Jesus as a senior in high school. I was "crucified" on a large cardboard cross, and was wearing only a crown of thorns and a pair of tighty-whiteys. Later, I put on a sundress and hung a sign around my neck that said "Jesus was a cross-dresser". Get it? Ha ha ha.
<img src="" />
Black-face only fun when eating watermelon.
Best costumes in E. Cambr. were a fantastic Shirley Temple with homemade ruffled red dress, lollipop, and tap shoes. Rob from 26 Warwick St. as Marie-Antoinette was also fairly inspired. Pete Galiea was a member of blue man group, and Roadhouse was Spiderman.
Here's Bill Maher's take:
<img src="">
Honestly, the party I went to would've been fun for all of y'all. There was a family dressed as Dog the Bounty Hunter and his wife, and their 2 year old son was the inmate. Priceless.
I even ran into and talked most of the night with a dude I went on a blind date with before I moved here. He was shitfaced from the start, so it was pretty funny. When I saw him in February he was dating a blond. She was nowhere in sight, and when I asked where his special lady friend was, he said he didn't have one. Then he gave me his card to be in touch about coming with me to NOLA for a clean-up trip I'm leading in December...while he was staring at my overwhelming and overflowing cleavage.
Haven't dealt with someone not being able to look me in the eye because of a breast distraction before, or maybe I never noticed before.
bto at sky bar 10/31
<img src="">
But I think we had a <a href="">pretty good showing </a>in Cambridge, too...
<img src="">
The guy dressed up as the gym teacher that had people do the long jump* in the kitchen of the party was pretty good, too.
*After telling this story to Chippy, he was quick to point out that what we did as decidedly not the 'long jump' but the 'broad jump', as we didn't have a running start.
Dextro, The Baroness, Cobra Commander, Snake Eyes, Scarlett, Lady Jaye, Gung Ho, Sgt. Slaughter and the dude with the skis
<img src="">
For 2007, I <i>hopefully</i> will debut my Rorschach costume.