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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2006-11-01 01:40:45 +0000

Maybe I should make Dilbert a "daily" again.

A fairly <a href="http://dilbertblog.typepad.com/the_dilbert_blog/2006/10/electronic_voti.html">righteous </a> entry from Scott Adams. I always see the Sunday Dilbert, but only get in on the weekend storyline if I'm buying the Glob. Forget that, I'll just watch his blog.

"It probably means that the choice of the next American president will be taken out of the hands of deep-pocket, autofellating, corporate shitbags and put it into the hands of some teenager in Finland." --Scott Adams

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-11-01 01:44:26 +0000

Wouldn't mind seeing the return of football stats over on the left, either.

Posted by tgl on 2006-11-01 02:11:02 +0000
Don't think we ever had football stats. It could happen.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-11-01 02:56:52 +0000
Do it!

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-01 03:48:24 +0000
I love Scott Adams. Probably a positive force in the universe in that he keeps millions of cube dwellers from going postal on (sometimes, depending on how mch of his media one sees) a daily basis.

The readers comments are just about as funny as his.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-01 03:52:00 +0000
And by 'postal' you mean sane, diligent, and like clockwork?

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-01 03:56:07 +0000
"Statistically speaking, any hacker who is skilled enough to rig the elections will also be smart enough to select politicians that believe in . . . oh, let’s say for example, science."

Posted by tommy on 2006-11-01 11:33:10 +0000
Both of my parents work for the post office. They're insane... but in a good way.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-01 12:36:49 +0000
no political implications intended. I meant it in the pop culture way of folks who bring firearms to work and "share" their ammunition with coworkers.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-01 15:33:15 +0000
Gotcha, the post office dudes in the 80's who killed their co-workers. But somehow the term has never worked for me. Has anyone ever run a cross a more unfit term? The post office is freakin' amazing, and these three or four dudes scarred the term. Odd.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-01 15:39:51 +0000
I could try saying that Scott Adams's daily mantras help me from ending people near me in a fit of rage. I like the sound of that.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-11-01 16:08:32 +0000
There was Son of Sam, too...

There are a lot of words that derive from a generalization of one event. Probably worse than postal. I'm drawing a blank on examples in my head.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-01 16:28:32 +0000
We can all use 'postal'; I've just never found it fitting.
And I love "<a href="http://www.rideside.net:8080/2006/10/drunk_dialin/scrabble">blanks.</a>", even though they're no points.

Posted by tommy on 2006-11-01 16:31:00 +0000
I think the first modern workplace massacre was at a post office, so the term was coined then and it stuck. If that hadn't happened first, we'd be talking about "going Columbine". Likewise, the word "Columbine" will always be associated with one school massacre, regardless of how good the school was at educating its students.

After hearing the stories my parents tell of their coworkers, I'm amazed that there haven't been more postal massacres. They're crazy, I tell you, crazy!

I agree that the post office is amazing, by the way.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-11-01 17:01:54 +0000
Hear, Hear! on the USPO!

My wife is a technical writer, they're all out to fuckin' lunch.

Posted by G lib on 2006-11-01 17:06:31 +0000
<i>the word "Columbine" will always be associated with one school massacre</i>

Or how pretty the flower is.

<img src="http://static.flickr.com/46/145566844_34d1a84308_m.jpg">

Posted by tgl on 2006-11-01 17:07:49 +0000
Sorry, looks like a teenager with bullet holes to me.

Posted by G lib on 2006-11-01 17:14:59 +0000
now that you mention it...

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