Election 2006
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My ballot:
Grace Ross/??
No, Yes, Yes
Tierney (if w/ opposition)
Kennedy (if w/ opposition)
yes, yes, yes
Oddly moving.
1.20.09. Can't wait.
Still not convinced Lieberman should be getting it so bad.
All Noes
1. Yes
Wished I could've voted for Mihos, but couldn't bring myself to do it.
I got a snickers bar from the volunteer at the card table on my way out. Enjoying this silly little touch for some reason, I told her I would definitely be voting again, then paused and corrected myself: "I mean next election, not today!"
My ballot was an arrow format. Fastest ballot experience eva.
C-Span's map is also <a href="http://www.campaignnetwork.org/"> interesting</a>...
Forgot also about the AG race. Happy to vote for Middlesex County AG Coakley. Martha for Governor 2014!
I've been rethinking my two yeas on the ballot questions. I think bq3k may have it right (although our reasonings may be different). Ballot questions are a horrible way to legislate.
We got a black governor now, so, step back.
The Senate Democrat who voted for Iraq gets elected. The Senate Republican who voted against it (Chafee-RI) goes down.
W/ the Dems heading up the House and GOP (still?) ruling the Senate, there's going to be some interesting Fedral legislation these next 2 years, if there is any...
Kerry King + Chuck D = Awesome
Probably true for the most part. There are two cases where I disagree...
First, if there are issues where the legislators have had a chance to do the right thing, and failed due to being beholden to "special interests" or out of misplaced deference to some person or organization. I can't think of a recent local example for this type.
Second, for issues where legislators have an inherent conflict of interest just by virtue of being a legislator. One example might be a law requiring a non-partisan commision tasked with redrawing district boundaries: this is (arguably) for the common good, but it goes directly against the personal interests of legislators. Hence, someone other than the legislators probably ought to vote on it.
This year's question 2 perhaps falls into the second category here.
Nothing I voted for won. Still a loser.
"Preliminary: Senate Ballots cast: 31,591,495 (D) - 25,054,569 (R)"