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Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-13 18:18:50 +0000

More open source Java

Hey computer programmers, is this big news? I understand Linux has lost share recently, but this might help. No?

Posted by tgl on 2006-11-13 19:39:57 +0000
Linux has lost share of what? Red Hat has come under pressure by Oracle in the services industry, but Red Hat is not Linux. Do you mean desktop usage? If you're at 0% and you lose 50%, where are you? I'd say it's a good thing. Open source may prompt more usage. My understanding of Java is that it's a fairly robust and feature complete language at the moment. It even runs pretty fast (!) All the "Web 2.0" stuff is picking up on the Ruby on Rails rubyonrails.org phenomenon. The Rails stack is about half as fast as the Java-based stack, however, the framework (which is nearly all syntactic suger, sure) is pretty slick compared with any of the Java development environments out there. Can I get a WebSphere developer in the house? That being said, Sun is the new IBM. At least, that's what I'm hoping.

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