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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-27 17:47:25 +0000

007- Casino Royal (2006)

Not sure what the fuss is here. Good opening credits (obviously) and a few superb stunts in the beginning, with <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sebastien_Foucan">Sebastien Foucan</a> free-running. Good editing. But the dragged out Hold 'em games. 2nd rate Steve McQueen as Bond... I had fun, but it did less and less for me.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-23 11:30:22 +0000
In times Square last weekend I saw a huge Daniel Craig outside on a building. Id like to see it as most of the 'backstory' movies of the last 5-10 years I have enjoyed (Batman Begins, Star Wars 1-3.

I read somewhere that that is also the route they are going with Hannibal Lecter. Isn't there a flick coming out with Hanny as a shorty?

Posted by Miriam on 2006-11-24 14:04:36 +0000
In talking with Yoav yesterday, he said that it was a good flick to see if you're in the mood for it. Essentially a big Daniel Craig soft-core...with lots of shots of him with not so many clothes on.

Can't wait to see it!

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-24 14:59:35 +0000
I liked it. Solid B to B+, even.

Bond driving into town in a Ford was a nice touch, as was the "cruder edges" of Bond. Say goodbye to the old, puffy bloated Bond.

Good finale setpiece.

It was a shame they killed the bomb maker's wife so fast - I liked her a lot more than Moneypenny. Oh well.

With advance apologies to the Buzz, the preview for 'Rocky Balboa' looked wretched. It makes me fantasize about watching test patterns on my TV at 3 in the morning while eating lard.

The Spiderman 3 trailer on the other hand: hoo ha!

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-27 17:33:01 +0000
thanks for the Wiki stuff on free running and Mr. foucan. Didn't check into that before. Cool stuff.

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