Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-11-27 17:04:53 +0000
Why East Boston Is A Crummy Place To Live
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-27 17:06:52 +0000
You can't walk or ride your bike to any other Boston borough.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-27 17:08:57 +0000
I like the Michael Richards option: "Too Much Diversity"
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-11-27 17:18:10 +0000
au contraire, cross bridge into Chelsea thru the market into Everett, pass the power plant and you're in Sullivan Sq.
Posted by tgl on 2006-11-27 17:22:43 +0000
You can't walk or ride your bike to any other Boston borough except on Route 99.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-27 17:45:39 +0000
How does that contradict me?
Maybe I should have said "directly walk..."
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-11-27 18:05:20 +0000
ok, I concede, it's really crummy.
Posted by tommy on 2006-11-28 11:18:39 +0000
<a href="">Girls-Only Blogthings</a> advised us to go out for Italian food this weekend, so we headed over to Jeveli's Restaurant in Day Square (known as "Terminal J" to the locals, I think). Hot bread served on a knife, and waitresses that call you "sweetheart".
I voted for airport closeness. I hate coffee and indian food, and the Chelsea PAV hall sometimes puts on polka dances for the general public.
FYI: Claire Danes is my celebrity boob twin.
Posted by G lib on 2006-11-28 11:38:27 +0000
I've only been there once, but probably won't go back, as the food wasn't my favorite.
However, the atmosphere is SOMETHING ELSE. We were eating dinner and a guy walked in, straight out of "The Godfather" complete with big belly, suit, borsalino hat covering up a huge chrome dome, accompanied by a woman in heels, dyed blond hair, big bracelets and more lame' than people should really where.
I was there with my parents, and all three of us were dumbstruck, and simultaneously said "NO WAY! It's UNCLE CHICK!" Because it was fairly obvious that my dad's uncle, Vincent Chignola (who got his name because the Irish guys at the shipyard couldn't pronounce his name--Kee-gn-oh-lah), had come back from the grave.
Rino's is great, Cafe' Italia is spectacular, and the takeout Eggplant Parm from Spinelli's is to die for.
Maybe I should have said "directly walk..."
I voted for airport closeness. I hate coffee and indian food, and the Chelsea PAV hall sometimes puts on polka dances for the general public.
FYI: Claire Danes is my celebrity boob twin.
However, the atmosphere is SOMETHING ELSE. We were eating dinner and a guy walked in, straight out of "The Godfather" complete with big belly, suit, borsalino hat covering up a huge chrome dome, accompanied by a woman in heels, dyed blond hair, big bracelets and more lame' than people should really where.
I was there with my parents, and all three of us were dumbstruck, and simultaneously said "NO WAY! It's UNCLE CHICK!" Because it was fairly obvious that my dad's uncle, Vincent Chignola (who got his name because the Irish guys at the shipyard couldn't pronounce his name--Kee-gn-oh-lah), had come back from the grave.
Rino's is great, Cafe' Italia is spectacular, and the takeout Eggplant Parm from Spinelli's is to die for.