And the nominees are...
Historic 3 Wadsworth is pleased to announce the nominees for this year's Wadsie awards:
Damian Adshead’s 8/20/05
Frangilo Solari 500
Soul Dollars
Save Malbert
Thirth of July Weekend, 2005
Austin Bagley (Phoenix Landing afterparty)
Rich Ladew (Metric New Year)
Miriam Leibowitz (Garrison CD release party)
Giordana Mecagni (Garrison CD release party)
Matt Piccirilli (Staircase diving)
Ned Greene (anthrax letter)
Terry Lorber (shark)
Steve Markofsky (The Big Dig)
Chris Olds (retired Panthro)
Mike Ushinski (Michael Flatley)
Ned & Eliza Greene
Rich & Jackie Ladew
Terry Lorber & Lara Goodman
Giordana Mecagni & Peter Chipman
Alex Zavracky & Mary Moylan
<b>BEST BAND</b>
The Campaign for Real-Time
Death Accident
First Strike
Barbaro (2000)
Be A Criminal (2001)
Let It Rise (2006)
The Shape of Illbient Turntablism to Come (never released)
The Sky is Smaller Than the Sea (2001)
We will also be handing out the following accolades:
<b>SIXTH MAN</b>
<b>2006 MVP</b>
Award ceremony will be held at 3 Wadsworth Street on 12/1/06 over the course of the evening starting at 9:00. Appropriate dress is required.
Sponsored by Harpoon and Fagans!
(Congratulations to all the nominees and let the debates begin!)
Start preparing speeches, everyone!
Where's my Wadsie?
..cause there is no way I'll top "Lord of the Dance".
<img src="">
I don't think I knew you when the Jackster and I got married in 2000 (6+ years, wow), otherwise, Im sure you would've been skanking to the Specials along with tgl, the buzz and bizquig et. al...
We don't constantly live in a state of "under the chupah"... at some point, we need to go under the chupah, at which point we will be under the chupah, until that time, we will not be under the chupah.
I want to be there to interview people for the WB
Drink it!
...wait a minute. I think I like the spiced shit. This was my first year really enjoying a pumpkin ale. Maybe I've matured.
Favorite interaction overheard at Dunkin' Donuts:
<i>Squat, burly, twenty-ish Dude with a well-trimmed chin strap, all black Red Sox cap askew</i>: Iced hazelnut, light, three sugars.
But generally, no.
I've never liked Harpoon's Winter Warmer. I was pleasantly surprised by Smuttynose's Pumpkin Ale which seemed spicey.
Id say 9 our of 10 of my brew scenarios are eight O Clock regular bean or Green Mountain Breakfast blend. but the green mountain southern pecan is a treat every now and then.
I don't get it I'm not all up in people's grills about "pistachio ice cream"(an actual coffee flavor at work no shit), cinnamon, chocolate raspberry mochalattefrufu or anything...
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