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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-11-28 06:15:08 +0000

CPFLM(@)T 11/27-8/06

<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/106/308502328_9cee600649_m.jpg">

<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/103/308502331_4dbe0d001e_m.jpg">

Prince as a genre
You're shot!
Add 15%
No jacket required
(I learned that whole song!)
Knowing Nancy
Like the Wu, but the 70's
Really into fabrics
Buck, Nenah and Eagle Eye
Bobby Loadcleaner
Black Crowes Night!
We had Ruben
Case In Point: Body Count
Thank You, Slayer!
Enough Metal
Slideshow Music

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-28 15:57:13 +0000
Definitely caucasian
Music for Slideshows
The snare is horrible; it's taking up like half the mid range.

Posted by theduane on 2006-11-28 22:18:04 +0000
punkest song ever?

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 02:48:22 +0000
On Monday, I went with:
'Mr. Downpressor'
'Anarchy UK'
Very few arguments

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 08:05:18 +0000
<a href="http://www.amazon.com/Trench-Town-Ska-Theophilus-Beckford/dp/B00000JPP0">?</a>

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 15:04:30 +0000
Nice work, MF DU.
It's an essential.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 15:08:03 +0000
I'll have to check it out - haven't heard it - sounds interesting, though.

Was this covered in yr guest spot @ Tufts Punk 101 class?

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 15:23:31 +0000
Yep. The music scene in Jamaica was particularily fertile in the 60's. And while little of Studio One's output was 'punk', any song that explicitly tells the producer (Coxsone Dodd) to fuck off because you know he's not going to give you royalities _for the song you're recording!_ is fairly punk. Especially in '62.

Speaking of which, Rounder Records just released a <a href="http://www.rounder.com/index.php?id=album.php&musicalGroupId=153&catalog_id=6824">2LP collection</a> of Bob Marley & the Wailers' alternative takes and b-sides at Studio One from '64-'66.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 15:25:48 +0000
Marley ska rules. I have a 4 disc Marley box (Songs of Freedom, i think?) Where Disc 1 is all ska stuff: Simmer Down, One Cup Of Coffee, Really early version of 'Satisfy My Soul', etc... good stuff.

I wonder if some of this is from the period you mention.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 15:52:23 +0000
Yep. That first disc is great.

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