Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-11-29 16:50:13 +0000
It's hard
So hard to "no" to a women.
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 16:52:34 +0000
It's hard -hard- so hard to say "no"...
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-11-29 16:58:13 +0000
They're always takin' what you're givin'!
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-11-29 17:02:11 +0000
So hard to say "no" to a woman?
Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-11-29 17:05:17 +0000
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 17:13:24 +0000
all your women belong no to us.
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-11-29 17:14:57 +0000
World Bank? Warner Brothers? West Bengal? WB Mason? WB Yeats? Wilkes-Barre? Women's Bureau? Wicked Bitch?
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 17:32:55 +0000
I don't remember what its called now (CW), but remember The WB - the 'Why Bother' network???
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-11-29 17:43:54 +0000
I tried to find something amusing to say "thank you" to MF DU for making me giggle, and found ALPHACONFIDENCE, which says it's designed to help:
Guys who buy women gifts and flowers, compliment them too often and are having the hard time to say "No" to them.
Those guys need help? Seems to me it's all the other ones who need the guidance...
Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-11-29 17:42:14 +0000
Yes - Warner Brothers' WB network, which was (you're correct, sir!) superceded by the CW network.
God, that was a load of tripe, wasn't it? Dawson's Creek, Felicity, Ally McBeal... bleah.
Posted by WB Mason on 2006-11-29 17:50:34 +0000
all my women are chinese bosses
Posted by MF DU on 2006-11-29 17:51:50 +0000
all my chinese bosses belong not to US magazine
Posted by G lib on 2006-11-29 18:13:42 +0000
Andy, apparently is on his way to getting HOT WOMEN.