What's up with the love fest
Hey assholes!
What's up with the last few days of rs.n lovefest? I mean, come on! Lovey-dovey, huggy-feely, babies and birthdays and books, and congratulations and 'alright man' and trophies and 'i love you man'.
Someone start flaming someone else before we start looking like pansies! What will our lurkers think?
Maybe we need this guy:
<img src="http://www.hemmy.net/images/cool/badtattoos.jpg">
Maybe we should all take the Rory Stark approach:
ha ha ha.
Now go sing kumbayah somewhere else.
<i>jesus loves the little children
all the children of the world
red and yellow
black and white
all are precious in his sight
jesus loves the little children of the world!</i>
Even you, MF DU.
<img src="http://www.catholic.net/RCC/Sacred_Heart/jesus.jpg"></src>
So with that said: GET BENT
It's my art