new pynchon
Just at Borders --cause I go there every day, not like I was birthday gift shipping or anything--- and saw that the new Pynchon is out, <A href="">Against the Day</a>. 30% off the hardcover.
This is a Nashua: tommy is so straightedge, he doesn't use
In all seriousness, though, wouldn't it benefit Buzz more if all of us (aka his friends, minions, idolaters, stalkers) pre-ordered it through some huge Amazon type thing so they see a (small) demand for it? Maybe the publishing people at 33 1/3 look at the book order #'s - they'd probbaly give more weight to something like an amazon.
I love ma and pop bookshops and use them frequently, but I'm thinking of how to best benefit buzz here.
I appreciate the pre-order thing. This summer I'm going to try and do as much of my tour at mom-and-pops as possible, if that helps alleviate guilt.
Listen, this is no set of rules!
Another Nashua: here is what I think the proposed vinyl sticker should look like:
<img src="" />