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Posted by WB Mason on 2006-12-05 15:03:26 +0000

David Lynch Coffee

<img src= http://ecomm.davidlynch.com/catalog/images/cups/dumbland_pix.gif></img src>
Apparently it's a "new day" in the film industry so Dave is creating a coffee line to help him raise money for his films. Coffee mugs as well!

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-12-05 15:15:22 +0000
kinda cool...

Posted by MF DU on 2006-12-05 16:50:04 +0000
From the awesome all-things Lynch Resource <a href="http://www.dugpa.com/">Dugpa.com</a>:

<i><b>News from this Weekends New York and Boston INLAND EMPIRE Screenings</i></b>
Lynch, Dern, and Theroux were at this weekends INLAND EMPIRE screenings at New York's Lincoln Center and Boston's Brattle Theater. Here are some quotes from some of those that attended:

...they mainly talked about the filming of "Inland," and how Lynch would just write scenes and the actors would basically film them, enjoying the freedom, as Theroux put it, to simply focus on the scene and not worry about any sort of greater context and what it would mean for the rest of the film. Some Lynch highlights included a man asking him if the number 47 has any significance in the film (which it does, to be sure) as it is seen at various moments. Lynch simply stared at the man, raised the mic up and said "Heavy...significance." He then went on to another question. Another guy asked him "...what are the chances of there ever being another Twin Peaks movie that ties up all the loose ends?" Lynch also stared at him, asked "What are the chances?", held up his hand forming a zero, and said, "Zero." Granted, he could've been using the questioner's semantics as an out, b/c the guy specified the film as one that would "tie up all the loose ends," but I digress. They also gave out free samples of his new coffee line, though they were all out before I could get any. Also, #1 highlight for me: afterwards, my friend and I waited outside for him with some other people (because we're both dorks) and I actually got to shake the man's hand. My voice was quivering, but I sputtered something about what an absolute pleasure it was to
meet him, and I managed to say that if he ever could release an extended version of FWWM on DVD, that it would be awesome. He looked me right in the eye
(still firmly holding onto my hand) and said "I tell you what, I'll do that just for you, man." What a cool guy.

...he (Lynch) came out with a woman with a viola and he said she'd do a little improvisional viola piece, and the woman did...she played a spooky little random viola piece and everyone clapped. Afte rthis David Lynch read a short excerpt from a poem regarding dreams (I wish I could recall it exactly but I was so excited it all sort of blurred togetrher). It was really cool and set up the film well. After the film there was a Q and A. I asked Lynch about his obsession with electricity through all his films, you know, what he found so fascinating about electricity and how it seems that electricity perhaps controlled people in his films... And in classic David Lynch deadpan style he replied that he found
electricity interesting: "Cause electricity controls people." Everyone laughed and he continued, explaining that he doesn't understand why more people aren't fascinated by electricity and how it does control so much of our lives, as well as sometimes creating beautiful light and fascinating sounds and sometimes...danger...It was a really nice answer!

and one from a fan that got a hold of his coffee...

David gave out coffee and also packets of his own coffer brand. It is called "David Lynch Signature Cup" "Organic House Roast" There is even a quote by him on the packet :) "It's all in the beans...and I'm just full of beans."... I had some of the coffee this morning and it was a "damn fine cup of coffee". After last night it was "a good wake me up."

Now you too can get some of Lynch's signature coffee...

<a href="http://www.davidlynch.com/coffee/">David Lynch Signature Cup: "It's all in the beans ... and I'm just full of beans"</a>

Posted by pamsterdam on 2006-12-05 18:11:50 +0000
Awww... I read that whole thing thinking it was you, you know, your experience. Granted, I'm pretty sleepy right now. Really sweet story, but man was I disappointed when I realised that it wasn't you. Boo. Nice bedtime story, though. Good dream fodder. A lady with a cow's head playing viola in a gigantic pot of coffee, flickering red "on" button with sparks.

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