Inverted Minors vs. 3NT
Okay, a couple two three hands happened as follows last night. I opened 1 in a minor; Terry responded 3 in that minor; Brendan plays the contract like it's a no trump hand making three. Any brilliant ways we can avoid this stuff from happening in the future?
(Footnote: Terry and I did break down the hands last night and came to the conclusion that yes, I did fuck up and should have opened 1 No Trump instead of 1 Club on one board. But, otherwise)
N: K 10 2, Q 10 2, J 10 4 2, J 7 5
E: A 9 5, A 8 6 3, A K 8 3, Q 8
S: J 7 6 4, K 9 4, 6 5, 9 6 4 3
W: Q 8 3, J 7 5, Q 9 7, A K 10 2
Bids something like:
Pass - Pass - 1D - Pass - 3D
We make and get 130 points. Most people get 630/660 points.
If East opens 1NT (17 hcp, 4-4-3-2 dist),West with 12pts would go to game. Looks like people made 4 or 5. Don't know how you would explore the higher no-trump contracts.
N: K Q 6, A 9 5, 8 5 2, 10 7 4 2
E: 9 5 3 2, K Q 4, K 6 3, K Q 8
S: A J 8 7, 10 7 3 2, A 9 4, 9 6
W: 10 4, J 8 6, Q J 10 7, A J 5 3
Bidding is something like:
Pass - Pass - 1C - Pass - 3C
We go down one, minus 50 points. (Although, we're vulnerable maybe should be 100?). One team got 440, mostly people get 90.
3C is probably OK. How should it be played?
On board 28, I think we're in the right contract, it just didn't pan out.
East is in 3C. 4 spades, 1 heart, 1 diamond for six losers.
I think you need to take a diamond winner in dummy and ruff a losing spade in dummy. Luckily, you can ruff one spade without opponents over-ruffing. This is so much easier in hindsight.
... actually, looking at the "ACBL Dulicate Instant Scorer" 90 points is 1NT bid and made, or 2 of a minor. So...