From the files of "unfinished crossword themes"
I was working on a theme this afternoon, but alas, I got stuck (unless one of you can help me out here). But instead of telling you what the theme is, perhaps you could start by telling me what these famous people have in common?
<a href="">Lee Iacocca</a>
<a href="">Ada Lovelace</a>
<a href="">Alex Olmedo</a>
<a href="">Mo Udall</a>
<a href="">Malcolm X</a>
The first three have a repeated letter in the last names, while Malcolm has two ells.
I reject the notion that they are linked biographically.
Lee I-acocca
A-da Lovelace
L-ex Olemedo
Mo U-dall
Malcolm X
Good one, 10D
How does "Lex" become two syllables? It's short for Alex, apparently. That, I see: A-lex.
Good hint. I ain't giving up yet.
Now... anybody else fit that description?
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Which reminds me, walking over the Dam bridge this morning, I noticed in a car a woman with a giant lizard on her lap. She wasn't driving, of course.
I've been trying to figure out someone famous named David that has a great, usable last name all day!
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Speaking of hockey, I can't believe I didn't think of Claude Lemieux (tip of the hat to Marna here). Claude Lemieux was my hero for being Cam Neely's nemesis. One of my favorite players ever. Won the Conn Smythe (best player in NHL playoffs) in 1995.
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