I slap myself once an hour for forgetting how good Pink Flag is, Top 5 Punk Albums of all time. "Field Day For The Sundays", best 45 second song ever.
P.I.L. remixes are the shit. Death Disco - Monitor Mix right up there with today's DFA/electro punk stuff so en vogue now. Label etchings seem to prove these are originals. L. Bangs' article I uncovered suggests there were 3 to 5 remixes from The Metal Box, where's the rest?
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-12-07 17:43:31 +0000
The Bangs article, BTW, rules.
Posted by MF DU on 2006-12-07 17:45:28 +0000
Played 'Pink Flag' this morning. twice.
Where did you get the Metal box thingee I have a few weak-ass mp3's of that stuff, but if I could find it in a a vinyl set - lookout!
Posted by jbcardinale on 2006-12-07 17:52:24 +0000
Until you've fired up 'Custard Pie' on a victrola, you haven't lived.
motherFUCK the ipod!
<img src = http://www.turntablelab.com/images/content/2/2/22763.jpg>
<img src = http://www.turntablelab.com/images/content/2/2/22611.jpg>
I slap myself once an hour for forgetting how good Pink Flag is, Top 5 Punk Albums of all time. "Field Day For The Sundays", best 45 second song ever.
P.I.L. remixes are the shit. Death Disco - Monitor Mix right up there with today's DFA/electro punk stuff so en vogue now. Label etchings seem to prove these are originals. L. Bangs' article I uncovered suggests there were 3 to 5 remixes from The Metal Box, where's the rest?
Where did you get the Metal box thingee I have a few weak-ass mp3's of that stuff, but if I could find it in a a vinyl set - lookout!
You'll never find The Metal Box in the metal box, but I've seen it in the cardboard cover in used stores. If I come across it, it's yours.