The long, dark teatime of the soul, Fantasy Sports edition
My fantasy football team has been knocked out of the playoffs (barring a record-setting 21 field goal game from Jeff Wilkins tonight).
The seasons change and I weep quietly into my sweatervest.
Anyone in for a rs.n fantasy baseball league in the spring?
Wanna play for some stakes?
We could play for steaks, but the commish of the old league doesn't eat red meat.
Can the winner get Steve Albini to call and berate the entire league for the non-interesting reward structure of the league?
<li> Nashua
<li> We had a dozen last year, and it worked nicely, as we had a 22 week season and 4 weeks of playoffs
For me, if I'm putting something behind it, I have more of an incentive to stay up on it and maintain my team.
I understand (and even respect) the difference between a personalized gift / reward and a gift certificate and / or cash, but for a bunch of guys (or gals if interested) getting together on a sports related contest to settle on a reward that probably wont be viewed equally to all as an reward (i.e. veggie dinners / bragging rights / forced kitchen duties / costume wearing / whatever) is puzzling to me.
I will do whatever as I think this will be insanely fun, but I dont see how a friendly $20 or so is such a bad idea.
Just my .02
Playin for free (and for the people)
Other than that, yeah sure, Im down.
My .02
Fuck the Police.
Love MF DU
--GLib, who's only interest in this thread is to rubberneck the infighting.