Rat Bastards
<img src="http://bostondirtdogs.boston.com/Headline_Archives/BDD_VWR_12.9.06.jpg">
So after our Friday punk outing to see The Evens, I wound up deciding not to go stand in line in person @ Fenway when I realized the sizable financial contribution a 'Sox Pax' (TM) would take.
While most of Sat / Sun had me in the Mr. Mom role back in glorious Monson MA, I decided to log into the redsox.com site a couple of times to just check what the order process / specific Pax prices were.
The above image (courtesey of DirtDogs) was as far as I got.
Bottom line: if you are looking for accessible, affordable and family entertainment - go minor league.
There are 4 teams within striking distance in that league. The Nashua Pride, The North Shore Spirit, The Brocton Rox and The Worcester Tornadoes. The other teams aren't too far away, either.
I propose this: Major League Baseball is for punks, let's get in on some local ball. Wouldn't it be more fun to trash talk about baseball if we didn't all root for the same team? Let's pick teams, cheer for them, trash talk each other about our teams, and fuggedabout MLB and their extortive prices.
Hell, MF DÜ Wouldn't be _that_ far from New Haven for The County Cutters, and tommy would easily be convinced to be a Quebec Capitales fan...
Anyone in?
Kickass logo:
<img src="http://www.canamleague.com/images/teamlogos/grays.gif">
I call North Shore Spirit.
Vos équipes sont pour la merde.
I've tried every address I have for you, and still no dice, so if you didn't get it, mail me at: pam [dot] ginzler [at] hotmail [dot] com
And if you did get it but are ignoring me, well then...
<img src="http://www.antholog.com/images/articles/20041028094841901_1.jpg"></src>
<img src="http://www.acsurf.com/photos/splash.jpg">
The rest of you are also a bunch of pussies for having such pussyish mascots.
<p><img src="http://www.berksfoods.com/Images/LinksLogos/logo_nj.gif"></p>
Oh, and I how about these pair?
<p><img src="http://www.travellersworldwide.com/Images2000/photos-southafrica/african-dawn/vol-2-baby-jackals.jpg"></p>
of Jackals! The softer side of Jackals.
anyhoo - expect an e-mail from me within the hour.
I love the image, btw - my sister used to have this as an animated .gif...
Lets not forget right wingers wielding obscene finger gestures.
Ahhh I love the smell of pleasantries in the morning...
<img src="http://www1.istockphoto.com/file_thumbview_approve/894271/2/istockphoto_894271_crazy_santa.jpg"></src><img src="http://www.picto-plasma.de/sites/artists/lee_garbett/01BunnyBoiler.jpg"></src>
Im digging all yr graphics, today btw.
Pamsterdam is 2 for 2 on 12/12/2006
<img src="http://www.nashuapride.com/images/header/top_header.jpg">
OK, so lame mascot, but his name <i>is</i> Tripper.
Go Cutters!
And I am happy to get into the spirit of this thread: fucking bitch fuck ass!
Rox Suck!