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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-12-12 04:54:07 +0000

CPFLM(@)T 12/11-2/06

<IMG SRC ="http://static.flickr.com/142/320316425_454875f3a5_m.jpg">

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<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/124/320316853_82bfbd82f7_m.jpg">

<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/141/320316855_e2519cd858_m.jpg">

<img src ="http://static.flickr.com/124/320316858_ff3083992a_m.jpg">

Did you steal the drawer?
To the angle of the goddamn grass!
The guy who decides you see and hear.
"I can make it streak more!"
That was different -- this is pizza.
Saying 'no' to the Lynch immersion.
Gender Seperation
2 bullshits
XX Kramer
Grandfather Clause
First American Fagen Tourney
Suppose I Say...
Architect Dad
College Majors
Economic Redevelopment
It IS the holidays!
Yugoslavian culture

Posted by MF DU on 2006-12-12 13:00:01 +0000
lookin cold out on that porch, yo.

y'allz is haaad coooore!

Posted by bizquig3000 on 2006-12-12 16:09:23 +0000
Speaking of the First American Fagen Tourney, here's the <a href="http://www.rocklouder.co.uk/articles/1548.html">rules.</a>

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2006-12-13 18:58:23 +0000
"The guy who decides what you see and hear."

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-12-13 19:39:43 +0000

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