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Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-12-14 13:15:15 +0000

I'm never buying ground meat again

I'm grindin' at home for less money with better cuts.

<img src="http://image.shopzilla.com/resize?sq=400&uid=261996091">
Best burgers I've had in years.
Can't wait for Bolognese sauce with beef, veal, and pork!!
Also does pasta, but I haven't gotten the attachments yet.

Posted by tommy on 2006-12-14 13:36:08 +0000
We had a meat grinder when I was a kid. Big scary metal thing with a hand-crank that clamped onto the kitchen counter like a vice. Only my grandmother used it. I should see if that's still kicking around up there. I like the idea of grinding my own meat (insert your own pun here).

Posted by tendiamonds on 2006-12-14 13:54:28 +0000
I've been meaning to get one of those for my KitchenAid's PTO... I also want the slicer.

Posted by ConorClockwise on 2006-12-14 14:03:17 +0000
Burger for dinner last night, breakfast this morning, and cooking up one for lunch right now.

Posted by buzzorhowl on 2006-12-14 14:05:45 +0000

Posted by WB Mason on 2006-12-15 14:38:43 +0000
<img src= http://www.thewallanalysis.com/Pictures/MovieShots/Trial15.jpg></img src>

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