I hate Christmas.
I don't like how 'the season' starts 2 months early. I don't like the Santa hats, and I HATE it when people act like it's completely normal to wear them in Target. I don't like all of the ads on the TV, T, Billboards, and all over the fricking place. I don't like tra la la music. I don't like holiday parties. I don't particularly like red and green. I don't like all of the people trying to be festive so desperately that they are running people over as they try to get to their next destination and beep and scream at you wearing their fucking santa hat. I don't like the hour-long lines wherever you need to shop. I don't like the new epileptic fit-causing lighted decorations. I can't stand those life size snow globes with all of the styrofoam in them.
Bah humbug.
I think I need to be born-again so that I can say "keep the Christ in Christmas," and have all my views sanctified by the Church, because I'm embarrased to admit, I like that kind of Christmas.
The smell of balsam fir and looking at your colored lights on the tree in the window when you get home. Remembering where you got each ornament as you find a spot all the way at the back of the tree to put it-- has to be even, don't forget the back! Taking a walk down the street in the cold with your hat, mittens, and a scarf on, walking by a house with lit candles in the windows and peering in at their blinkey tree. Walking into a house where they're making mulled wine (cinnamon!) and cookies as you tromp the snow off your boots. Midnight mass where you believe that you're celebrating christ's birth with candles and lots of harmony in your carols. Family and friends having meals together and stuffing yourself until you sleepily make your way home after a hour's worth of goodbyes.
As you can tell, I'm a little bit behind the 8-ball this year (per change!).
Story: when I taught high school geometry, one of my students was tooling on me for my grinchiness, and she made a small cartoon with me sitting on Santa's lap, with the text "Mr. Walsh loves Santa!" I changed the "santa" to "satan" and gave it back. I am not a teacher any more.
Christmas has been a guilty pleasure of this Jew my whole life. And before anyone (Conor) chimes in with it: I'm not half Jewish! I'm coming out of the closet as a Christmas liker, and am trying to phase it into my family's life closer to my terms. I'm having difficulty getting the "no presents" thing across to some people.
I see Tommy's online. He hates Christmas more than the Grinch (pre-theft), I wonder what he'll have to say... probably above it at this point.
Oh, and I like some of the music, but never when it's in a public place.
Look what this guy does to Egg Nog - Talk about sacrilege...
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