I was just walking back home from the Packard's Corner stop when I tripped and fell crossing over the cobblestone island. Tore a hole in my new(est) jeans.
I was lying there in the divider and these two Asian girls walked by and laughed at my dumb ass. Awesome!
= greatest President since Roosevelt (Franklin D.)
America needs a Gerald Ford more than ever.
!= (not equal)
Korea = UN-sanctioned.
Reconstructing post-war Europe and getting the ball rolling re: civil rights were both awesome.
The UN doesn't make mistakes?
Truman's Plan or Marshall's Plan?
Gerald Ford did bomb Cambodia.
The U.N. makes tons of mistakes. At that point in its development, though, approved peace-keeping actions were new and less fraught with scandal, etc. than they are now.
Truman's Marshall Plan?
couldn't agree more.
the more recent UN <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oil_for_food">'Oil for Food'</a> debacle comes to mind.
* Hussein skimmed** $10 billion from the UN Oil-for-Food program. Anyone want to guess how much of the $18 billion Iraqi reconstruction budget has actually been spent on reconstructing Iraq? I believe it's $400 million.
** All human endeavors are fraught with scandal and waste, I only ask that we don't intentionally spend blood and treasure in order to enrich the few and protect none. Invading Iraq comes to mind.
More locally, I saw on the front page of the Glob today that gov elect Deval Patrick is restoring over $383 mil in past budget cuts - lets hope that this is being done because it is necessary and not because it pleases certain constituents.
Have you, as a shareholder, ever tried to reign in wasteful spending at a corporation? Way easier to write a letter to your Congressional Rep.
I grant you that Patrick is restoring the $383 million to please constituents if you grant me that Romney cut them in order to please Republican Primary and Caucus voters. Which is more cynical and underhanded?
Well, I suppose the domino theory is mentioned. William Holden is rocking my world this holiday season.
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