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*the* place for collaborative e-snowboarding
Posted by tgl on 2006-12-30 21:14:03 +0000

JB on GB(H)

WGBH is rebroadcasting the James Brown performance at the Boston Garden from 1968 (day after MLK Jr's assassination).

It's on right now... wish I knew how to record from iTunes.

Posted by MF DU on 2006-12-30 23:54:41 +0000
In the top right of GBH's website, there is a 'hear WGBH Blues anytime' link.

Right now it is playing Dec 23rd's show - Im assuming that this is a once a week show. In the next day or so, I am hoping that they will put up the JB thing - if they do, I am happy to capture it and pass it around...

Power to the people, right?

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