10D came into my office on Friday. He told the story of a mythical album -- a tale of serendipity, joint custody arrangements, and bad cover art. He then solemnly handed me the album and instructed me to do "whatever it takes" to bring this album to The People.
I present for your enjoyment <a href="http://tomandmarna.homelinux.com/mcotp/UNGH!/Cement/">"Cement"</a>, the 1988 release by the band UNGH!
You'll note that the files are named according to the Naming Convention of the People. Also, note that this link leads to my home computer, so expect low download speeds, and for the link to possibly go away before very long. Apologies for the somewhat low quality.
I'm also enjoying a browse of the parent directories.
I am sorry this took so long. I've been busy playing gangly guitar junk.