<li> I wasn't paying attention when Romney was inaugurated , but the excitement and hope around Patrick is palpable. I wasn't happy that Romney was elected, but I wasn't particular moved by O'Brien either. So, maybe it was like this four years ago, and I wasn't paying attention.
<li> More on Mitt: I didn't really start actively disliking Romney until about 2 years ago, when he stopped being governor and started using his office as a campaign platform. He spent more time out-of-state last year than in-state. Come to think of it, we might have been better off if he had just moved to South Carolina last January.
<li> What do Pink Floyd, Genesis, and C4RT have in common? Excellent stoner music.
<li>Surge of troops. Ugh. What a horrible and dismaying policy. I'd support a re-invasion, going back in with another 150,000 troops with a post-invasion plan in place, but another 20 or 30 thousand pairs of boots isn't going to do much.
<li>Can I get a language expert to weigh in on this "Saddam got justice" idiom? Did Hussein really receive justice? He received a punishment, certainly. But justice? Can _anyone_ receive justice? I don't think so.
<li>Barney Frank on top of the House. All Jewish grandmothers celebrate. Strike that, all grandmothers celebrate. Strike that, all celebrate.
<li>Smuttynose's Winter Ale is much better than I remember. It's all malt, all the time. Robust and warming, yum.
Now all he does is travel to Iowa, NH, S. Carolina and other early primary states, bashing us Baystaters and reneging the platform he ran on 5 years ago.
--He announces he's running for governor.
--The Democrats point out that he hasn't been living in Massachusetts long enough to meet the legal residency requirement.
--Mitt argues that he was a Massachusetts resident even while he was living in Utah.
--The Democrats point out that he didn't pay any MA resident income taxes while he was living in Utah.
--He says, "oops, I'm sorry; that was an inadvertent oversight" and pays his back taxes.
--The voters of Massachusetts ELECT HIM.
My coaster at the airport bar last night (where I was sipping a Shipyard and waiting for my lovely wife's return to USA) touted Sam Adams's "Beer Drinker's Bill of Rights." The particular right listed on the coaster: All beer should be made from only the four classic ingredients--malt, hops, yeast, and water.
Leaving aside for the moment the fact that this rule is really just a restatement of the German Reinheitsgebot...
...where does this leave the Sam Adams Cherry Wheat, Cranberry Lambic, etc.?
Mitt Romney, illegal immigrant.
According to the American Heritage online dictionary, one of the meanings of "justice" is "fair treatment and due reward in accordance with honor, standards, or law". I think that one can "receive fair treatment" or "receive due reward". So, I think that "receive justice" is grammatically okay.
Good editorial cartoon in the Glob today (maybe yesterday?) about Mitt, which predicted a Romney prez. term would effectively stop halfway through while he toured the globe and made anti-American jokes.
Mitt in 2010:
Q: What's the difference between Americans and yogurt?
A: Yogurt has culture.
If Mitt wants separation from MA in order to appear less of a New Englander, he should move back to Utah (and he can take that hideous temple on rte 2 in Belmont with him.)
But we shouldn't let him; make sure all those pro-gay interviews and photos he did with Bay Windows come to light.