Hearts and Minds (1974)
The Wife keeps picking these depressing documnetaries on Netflix. The latest was <a href="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0071604/">Hearts and Minds</a>. (Although, we did get <i>Mean Streets</i> prior.)
I'm not sure what was more disturbing, the lies, self-delusion, and myopic vision that sacrificed nearly 2 million lives over twenty years or the same arguments and rhetoric that is accompanying our nearly 4 year folly in Iraq.
At the end of the Vietnam War it was clear we weren't fighting for anything. Vietnam was a civil war at best, a conflict in which America had no enemy, if not was the enemy.
We can't save Iraq now just as we couldn't save South Vietnam then. That much is clear. I think the administration understands this as well, which makes a call for an ineffectual surge of 20,000 or so troops a dismaying and cowardly act. Bush has decided to punt. Looks like two more years of dithering from The Decider.