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throwing shoes since '04
Posted by tgl on 2007-01-07 18:29:06 +0000

Hearts and Minds (1974)

The Wife keeps picking these depressing documnetaries on Netflix. The latest was Hearts and Minds. (Although, we did get Mean Streets prior.) I'm not sure what was more disturbing, the lies, self-delusion, and myopic vision that sacrificed nearly 2 million lives over twenty years or the same arguments and rhetoric that is accompanying our nearly 4 year folly in Iraq. At the end of the Vietnam War it was clear we weren't fighting for anything. Vietnam was a civil war at best, a conflict in which America had no enemy, if not was the enemy. We can't save Iraq now just as we couldn't save South Vietnam then. That much is clear. I think the administration understands this as well, which makes a call for an ineffectual surge of 20,000 or so troops a dismaying and cowardly act. Bush has decided to punt. Looks like two more years of dithering from The Decider.

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