Patriots, Colts
Who's a Colts fan?
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Excited for this game. I don't think it could possibly be as nail-biting as last week's. That might be a good thing. Overheard the newspaper guy at the track this morning: "If Manning doesn't win, he's done, that's it, it'll blow his mind."
I'd like to see Gostkowski get the winning kick, all the while booting the ball on kickoff 8 yards farther than Vinatieri, on average.
Dillon and Maroney rush for 120 yards a piece.
Sunni amd Shiites kiss and live together happily ever after.
I've been likin' it ever since the fumble recovery for a TD (the Pat's one not the Colt's).
Why did they once again ignore the run?
Vrabel and Bruschi must retire. They're too old and they've lost steps. Also, the Patriots staff can no longer nickel and dime players and then expect to turn cast-offs into superstars. It's worked in the past, but seriously, they're too stingy to compete in today's NFL market. If they had got a stud reciever or a stud defensive back during the season we would not be mashing sour grapes right now. They were sitting on millions, and for what?
How bout the fact that Belichick is coaching 10 Chargers in the Pro Bowl? Can we get Bill mic'ed up for that one? What amazing things are Tomlinson and Merriman going to say to him?
Caldwell dropped two passes that might have changed the outcome. So, better receivers might be warranted. Kicking wasn't a concern (although the 4th and 6 conversion might not have happened if Vinatieri was a Patriot). Maroney will break out next year. Looking forward to seeing more Ellis Hobbs returns.
Not bad for a rebuilding year.
I watched the 4th quarter with a former offensive lineman from Harvard's football team. I asked him if he could explain the "false start" call. He suggested that the "false start" foul was called only when the quarterback was directly under center. So when Manning changes the play and the offensive linemen all start pointing and moving but not being called for a false start, it is because Manning has stood up, and wasn't under center. Perfect. The call made sense at last. Then about 3 plays later, the Colts line up in a shotgun formation, and I asked if that means you cannot be called for a false start from the shogun.
"I don't know," he said. "I guess not."
Back to the drawing board.