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Posted by bizquig3000 on 2004-03-18 19:27:25 +0000

orkut it up

Kids, we got ourselves a friendster with an actual message board. And hell, we can keep it elite, if we want to. It's www.orkut.com and it's invitation only. Shoot me an e-mail and I'll invite you. -B

Posted by frame609 on 2004-03-18 19:29:48 +0000
(Just look how this message board is teeming with people waiting to be let aboard!)

Posted by tgl on 2004-03-18 20:04:13 +0000
Good post. Er, riposte... Then again, you're definitly not going to meet any new people hanging around this water cooler.

Posted by rocknrollupma on 2004-03-19 04:32:55 +0000
at least the boys by this water cooler are cute. are there cute boys on orkut? cute boys in phildelphia? worthy cute boys... gentlemen... in philadelphia? on orkut? if so, i'll join. i need a worthy cute gentleman. in philadelphia.

Posted by frame609 on 2004-03-22 21:43:05 +0000
Upma, you're going to make us blush.

Posted by rocknrollupma on 2004-04-09 03:16:13 +0000
so what's the story mornin glories? are there cute philadelphia boys on orkut?

Posted by frame609 on 2004-04-09 04:16:47 +0000
All sortsa.

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