which Sci Fi writer are you?
<p><a href="http://paulkienitz.net/skiffy.html">another dumb quiz</a></p>
Im Alfred Bester, not bad at all, Tiger Tiger was a book long before its time. I havent worked out how to be Cory Doctorow or Jeff Noon from the questions though...
I am: <blockquote><big><big><b>Gregory Benford</b></big></big></blockquote> - A master literary stylist who is also a working scientist.
One book review says <i>"some bits here and there are very meandering & obscure."</i> Well, that would be me, then.
<img src="http://paulkienitz.net/quizpix/skiffy_chip.jpg">
apparently, he is me.
check out his book Babel 17
Fuck that...I'm Frank Herbert too.