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tome cusp
Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-02-02 22:15:54 +0000

I wonder if his spandex pants will fit the same now as they did then...

<a href="http://www.tmz.com/2007/02/02/its-official-roth-to-rejoin-van-halen/">Wooooooooooo!</a>

<img src="http://www.thestranger.com/blog/files/2006/08/david_lee_roth.jpg"></img>

Posted by MF DU on 2007-02-02 23:54:14 +0000
No - but I am oddly compelled by the possibility of seeing EVH and DLR on the same stage anyway. I guess a fool and his money are soon parted - but , hey - its the little things in life you have to look forward to sometimes.

Posted by Rory_Stark on 2007-02-03 11:15:59 +0000
Well MFDU, if I pay for a ticket or not I would love to rock the parking lot with you,
and maybe,
MC, F^0(, cc, TGL@,HTL, RTD, JJTBJJ..um...and, ah da da dee, ah dee dee dah and whatever the hell else you want to put in there...

Posted by MF DU on 2007-02-03 13:04:37 +0000
Likewise, Rory!

- Early candidate for post of the day?

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-02-28 06:26:37 +0000
Oh. It's <a href="http://www.nypost.com/seven/02272007/gossip/pagesix/broken_reunion_pagesix_.htm">cancelled</a>.

Interesting (I think) side note: Van Halen is a Dutch surname, and the Van Halen brothers were born in Nijmegen (Holland). However, even the Dutch (mis)pronounce the band name in the American way (Van Hail-in) rather than the traditional Dutch way (Fahn Hahl-en).

Eddie's given name is Eduard Lodewijk Van Halen and Alex's given name is Alexander Arthur Van Halen. Their father is Dutch (with the outrageously typical Dutch name Jan Van Halen, pronounced Yahn Fahn Hahl-en) and their mother is Indonesian - Indonesia being a former Dutch colony.

Van Halen literally means "of the picking up" or "of the carrying", so their ancestors may have been couriers of some kind. When Napoleon forced the Dutch to take on surnames, many followed the tradition of taking a name to suit their profession or provenance, but some just chose cheeky names knowing the French wouldn't know any better. Hence neighbors of mine with surnames like Suikerbuiken (sugar tummies) and Naaktgeboren (born naked).

Me = Nerd.

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-02-28 06:30:02 +0000
Sorry to hear about this. One less reunion show to go to this summer, I guess.

Posted by MF DU on 2007-02-28 12:05:59 +0000
dammit - I was psyched about this.

pamsterdam=not as nerdy as she thinks

(does Pamsterdam have the DLRoth autobiography 'Crazy From The Heat' on her shelves? MF DÜ does...)

Posted by G lib on 2007-02-28 12:42:13 +0000
You=awesome! Very interesting, Naaktgeboren.

Posted by virtue on 2007-02-28 13:57:21 +0000
I prefer Suikerbuiken myself.

Posted by Miriam on 2007-02-28 15:44:36 +0000
Funny, my sis-in-law is Dutch by birth (French by upbringing and choice), and her maiden name is Moses...guess that means her family wanted to be known as Jews. Or were trying to say that they would eventually be free.

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-02-28 18:05:59 +0000
Funny you should mention that - there's a small family-owned chain of hair salons in Amsterdam called "<strong>Coos de Joode</strong> haarsalon" or "<strong>Coos the Jew</strong> hair salon", with Coos being the owner's given name and 'the Jew' being his surname.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-02-28 18:07:26 +0000
That's my name!

Posted by Epoisses on 2007-02-28 18:12:01 +0000
Part of it, anyway.

Posted by tendiamonds on 2007-02-28 18:15:40 +0000

Posted by pamsterdam on 2007-03-09 12:50:19 +0000
Well, we can <a href="http://www.nme.com/news/van-halen/26950">stop mentally blaming Diamond Dave</a>...

Posted by MF DU on 2007-08-07 06:08:36 +0000
<a href="http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/20160745/">Better Late Than Never</a>.

What specific events do people think will ultimately derail the latest incantation of a VH reunion?...

Posted by tommy on 2007-08-07 06:32:53 +0000
Bush nominates Diamond Dave to replace the recently-deceased Chief Justice Roberts. Dave pulls out of reunion tour to attend confirmation hearings, where Nancy Pelosi tells him "David, my keeds will simply keel me if you do not sign a few things for them".

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