Jesus Camp
Excellent <a href="">Documentary</a>.
95% of the film deals with the Jesus Camp families with very little outside commentary. The three main kids brim with emotion, and I felt like I really got to know them and their parents. The lead Evangelist (Becky Fischer?) of Jesus Camp is a phenominal speaker and has several good lines. The Haggart stuff in Colorado is OK, but not nearly as entertaining (nor as scary) as the Army for Life and God's Warrior bits.
The soundtrack was too eerie, but filled up some dead space nicely. Sublime editing and no naration, always a plus for me in docs.
I hope it wins the Oscar.
PS I love that movie. Could hardly speak when the credits started to roll. Also couldn't tell whether the other people in the audience came to see it too see their friends in the film or to view it as an outsider, like myself.
I'm glad in a way, but I know that that wasn't Heidi's intention.