Ships names
I'm bored, its just so tedious waiting for the right time to quit and move to Boston. Just had a half gallon lunch and am killing time until i go to "an evening with Michael Palin" (the python) later tonight.
As I am about to leave the marvelous world of ships i thought i should let you know about some of the great names people have given vessels, before i leave it all as flotsam in my wake. Currently sailing the seas are these lovely ladies:
Titan Uranus
Suk Kok II
Mini Me
Beaver (I went for a beer with the owner in Greece, he ended up getting arrested...whoops)
Surfer Rosa (I checked and the owners daughters a huge pixies fan)
Eurochampions 2004 (launched just after Greece won)
oh, and if your ever on the west coast and see a tanker called the Seariver Mediterranean she is the re-named Exxon Valdez
god im sad and boring.... I expect jokes in python or C++ in reply
...which is actually kinda funny.
(on a side note, he's on the phone with his real estage agent as I type this working on an offer for a condo that could legitimately be considered Central Square or Cambridgeport)
Might see him around noon for lunch, or around mid-nite at Sababas...
I repeat and repeat and repeat the same things to the same people over and over again. I've tried to alleviate this by maintaining a FAQ (third repeat means it goes in the FAQ) and tracking all issues with Bugzilla.
Which brings me to the second from top of the heap (which as a computer programmer I should know the heap isn't necessarily sorted, correct?, which is why I don't think I should apply for that EDG position. That and I'm not about to commute to Natick. And I don't think the pay is right, but pay isn't the only thing right?): shit don't get read.
However: one of my biggest peeves at work is when folks dont read the emails where I carefully explain situations in a high level of detail.
'shit don't get read' indeed.
<i>And the letters on the screen drip away with neglect-- my faqs bleed, disembowled of their careful perfect meaning by the ignorance of the masses... I whisper,
to no one in particular...</i>
I am jealous...
Jackie and I saw 'Spamalot' in NYC last November.
Can't get enough of that stuff...
Seamens porn collections! now thats worthy of a post in itself. The Chief Mate controls the porn on a ship as when she goes somewhere like Iran he has to collect all the porn (known in the industry as "playboy type material")and seal it in the bonded stores locker. Iranian customs will slap a $30,000 fine on the Owners if they find so much as a hint of cleavage not in the bonded locker.
On modern ships every crew memeber has a big TV and dvd player in their cabins.... I this this is why bonded stores lockers are built to hold alot more than the whisky and cigarettes (used to bribe port officials) that they usually hold.
sorry, did someone mention something about computers...?