Bowie Immersion #5: "The Rise And Fall Of Ziggy Stardust And The Spiders From Mars" (1972)
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Released in June 6 UK/ September 1, 1972 US on RCA.
Album chart #5 UK 1972, #75 US 1973.
'Starman' #10 UK, #65 U.S. 1972.
Love it. Did he invent the idea of an alter personality era?
He voice might be at its finest, but I do not find it a fully realized concept album. Still There are several classic tracks. 'Suffragette City' has always been a favorite.
...and apparently in 1972 an American film called <a href="">"Left-Handed"</a> (about a gay man) was released.
Not sure about the concept -- gonna have to listen to it a few more times.
You're right; we owe a lot to Sgt Peppers.
Or...the guy who replaced Paul after he got hit by a bus.
**And now for some really big news - news which will put you in a very small circle of those "in the know" - seriously. After 35 years, Ziggy is rumored to have not committed suicide and allegedly is very close to entering the earth's orbit. The question remains, will he fall to earth....????
There is a full story told here. Listen to it all. Or perhaps wait until "Diamond Dogs" and "Outside" for a comparison/contrasting of Bowie concept albums.
I am no fan of the Eagles, by any means, but the outros of the two songs line up.
**And now for some really big news - news which will put you in a very small circle of those "in the know" - seriously. After 35 years, Ziggy is rumored to have not committed suicide and allegedly is very close to entering the earth's orbit. The question remains, will he fall to earth....????
...thanks for my best VD present so far.
As for "The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust", I can't add much to the appreciation that's already been expressed, but the album cover of my copy is starting to fall apart.
lol, chortle, snicker.
<i>(Disintegration & The Queen Is Dead bring up the rear on my top 5)</i>
Please, everyone - stop ruining the thread on my favorite album of all time by talking about the most evil shite ever to emerge from the pits of Gehena and infest the airwaves. My <i>God</i>.
I love you guys, but... The <i>Eagles</i>? For serious? They give me <i>gas</i>.
Hey, sailor!
It's science.
I didn't even know what that word meant before yr post...
Lurning is Kewl.
We are all crazed Bible-quoters, and no amount of hushed swearing can wipe that slate clean, I can tell you.
Wasn't there a bit in The Life of Brian when Terry Jones hops around chanting in a squeaky voice, "Gehenna! Gehenna! Gehenna!"?
(Who I saw last weekend, btw -- He's a cop with two sets of girl twins! His wife looked tired.)
Not stoned so ...ya know...
Drum intro production is ace!
Man, so many albums of this time took that sax sound and ran with it.
Freak out out out
What's up with the Jethro?
Holy Shit!!!
The guitar line at the end of the chorus is nuts.
Dr Dre took the bouncy piano fro a song on the Chronic2.
Claps are cool.
Oh god, all I can think of is that Cracktorch song where their like,
"It Ain't Easy...", but like Lemmy.
Young American, Young American, she was a Young American.
Rocky Horror?
How much did Marc Bolan pay Bowie?
I like claps!
from Wikipedia
"Contrary to an oft-heard rumour, the song was not written with Jimi Hendrix in mind. Rather, Vince Taylor was the inspiration."
Is there someone hitting a mic by mistake right in the beginning or is it the rip?
Ziggy played guitar?, that was Mick Ronson like a mother fucker.
Holy Shit!!!
I've heard this a billion times and it is still fucking awesome.
"You're not alone.."
I've got something in my eye...
Not a huge departure though.
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RS: RideSide