Who Gives A Fuck About a Goddam Grammy?
<img src="http://farm1.static.flickr.com/187/388374129_076593dc4b_m.jpg">
<a href="http://www.grammy.com/GRAMMY_Awards/49th_Show/list.aspx#05">Congrats</a> to Ornette Coleman, Gnarls Barkley, Rick Rubin, Slayer, Flaming Lips, et. al...
It was surreal seeing Ornette present the 'best new artist' to American Idol girl Carrie Underwood.
ahhh American television...
Where is <a href="http://www.publicenemy.com/index.php?page=page5&item=9&num=44">Terminator X</a> when you need him?
"Who gives a fuck about what they like."
"Is this an awards show or a three-hour apology with trophies?"