War with Iran
So the question is becoming: who's going to bomb Iran and when.
Two weeks ago I would have said that Bush and Co will again cherry pick intel, and make the case that Iran is hurting the peace efforts in Iraq, and needs to be destroyed.
Now my guess is Israel will do the actual bombing and the US will support their actions politically.
reporter: "Yes"
host: "Why is it being repeated now?"
reporter: "No one would say"
host: "Hrrrmmmmm"
I have a really bad feeling about all of this.
Same bad intel, same administration that cherry-picks intel, same press that blindly follows the white house's talking points, different but _worse_ Sec. of State ineptly talking about nothing.... Something's brewing.
I don't think the press corp. is as malleable this time around. The dog and pony show that was put on by the intel. officers was pretty clearly described as such.
* No officials willing to speak on the record.
* More questions than answers.
* No proof of Iran's involvement, just a strong feeling that evidence suggests they are.
* None of the evidence displayed.
All those points were present by the NPR reporter, anyway. I'm sure the NYTimes has this story on A1 as a fact, however. If this was a story leaked from the Pentagon that hurt the administration, all the Bushies would be in a huff about how "anonymous leaks" are not reliable.
What's this about Moqtada moving to Iran?
I would guess Israel bombs Iran in about 6 to 8 months...